Hmm I don't think Lucene's facets make that easy today, but it would
maybe be minor code change: in IntTaxonomyFacets.getTopChildren where
it checks if values[ord] > 0 you just need > yourMinCount instead.
Maybe open an issue?

Mike McCandless

On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 11:00 PM, Cam Bazz <> wrote:
> Hello,
> FacetResult getTopChildren returns the top N facets, however I need to
> return facets where count is above a certain threshold, for example return
> all facets that had counts > 10.
> Is there a way to accomplish this? I have been looking over the API docs
> and could not find it. I could maybe getTopChildren with Integer.MAX_VALUE
> and then manually filter for count.
> Best Regards,
> C.

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