> The DirectX pipeline is stable on Windows, how
> ow about the OpenGL pipeline? In common, Windows's
> support for OpenGL is not very good. My Sony Notebook
> only has OpenGL 1.3 support.
You're right the biggest problem are broken drivers, but this is not window's 
For now only a few selected cards work with the OpenGL pipeline, as far as I 
know the only consumer cards which can handle the OpenGL pipeline are made by 
Nvidia and ATI.

>   Also, what does the phrase "pbuffer" mean?
A PBuffer is a surface you can render to with some associated buffers like 
stencil, depth, ....
If you want to draw the content of your pbuffer to screen you can simply bind 
it to a texture and use it just like any other texture.

lg Clemens
[Message sent by forum member 'linuxhippy' (linuxhippy)]


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