I'm having trouble adjusting the view.  I wish to draw a single scene
graph within my Canvas3D such that it is always entirely visable, no
matter what the dimensions of my Canvas3D are.  (Ie, if I position the
viewer in a place so that he can see the entire thing, I'd like him to
continue seeing the whole thing even if the window size changes.)  As a
result, the scale should be min(canvasWidth, canvasHeight) / 2.0, rather
than the default canvasWidth / 2.0.

I've tried doing this by putting a component listener on the Canvas3d to
detect when it resizes, and then execute the following:

    if (view != null)
      Dimension d = mainCanvas.getSize();
      if (d.width < d.height)
        view.setScreenScale((double)d.height / (double)d.width);

Unfortunately, this does nothing.  I've also tried setting the scale
explicity from a text control:

    String s = text_size.getText();
    double d;
    try { d = Double.parseDouble(s); }
    catch (Exception e) { d = 1.0; }


I've noticed that when setScreenScale() is passed anything above about
.0625 then the view acts as if it was View.SCALE_SCREEN_SIZE, and below
this number, nothing is rendered at all.

Any help on how to set the scale would be greatly appreciated.

Mark McKay

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