Good morning.
Oh, the beauties of switching to newer software! some benefits, but also 
difficulties that I hadn't expected.
In Jaws 9, I set the dictionary to give pauses when Jaws encounters dashes.
actual words
replacement word

along with other dashes such as
but in Jaws 17, I find that my neat little custom rules don't apply anymore. 
Jaws keeps running through the sentences without any pauses.
I have my punctuation set to None; would that have a bearing?
Maybe you can help solve this riddle.
For the record, here are some of my favorite pronunciation fixes. Maybe they'll 
help you with some nagging pronounced errors that you keep hearing.
I've found that for newer versions of Jaws, if you're going to make dictionary 
entries with mainly capital letters, you need to check the Case Sensitive box.

IS = Aye S
Anabaptist = Anabaptisst
Anabaptists = Anabaptissts
survivalist = survighvalist
1:1 = 1 to 1
401(k) = 4o1K
Amish = Ahmish
apostate = aposstayte
aquifer = aaquifer
Assange = asonje
behemoth = biheehmoth
bejeezus = bejeezzuss

block quote = quote

Breitbart = Brightbahrt

complicit = complissit

Dr. = doctor

Ecuadorian = Ehquadorian

encrypted = encriptedd

genocidal = genocighdal

gobbledygook = goobldegooc

hullabaloo = hullabullOo

hypertrophy = hypirrtrofy

impregnated = impregnneighted

jihadis = jihahdeez

Jr. = junior

kinda = kyenda

macular = mhacular

Mr and Mr. = Mister

same with Misses

No. 1 = Number one

oligarch = oligark

Penelope = Paneloppy

propagandist = propagandisst

RIP = Rest in Peace

scoliosis = skoaleeohsis

serotonin = serotoanin

WhatsApp = What'sApp

x 3 = times 3

xenophobe = zenofoab

See you,

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