Hello everyone. Not exactly new to the list here, but I had been
unsubscribed for a long time because my computer and JAWS version had gotten
so old that there was really no point in me continuing to receive and
contribute to the list. Now I've got a new PC, Windows 10 and JAWS 18, so
I'm back, and with a question even.

I thought I was an old hand at this stuff, but I've recently started to use
the Soulseek client, and I'm having some issues, both with the programme
locking up frequently and, more importantly with regard to this list, not
playing nice with JAWS in unpredictable and obnoxious ways. 

A part of the problem, no doubt, is that as far as I know, a screen reader
user still has to use the old Soulseek NS client, as the QT version, which
is regularly developed and updated, uses a portable/cross-platform library
that doesn't use standard Windows interface controls and so is really a
non-starter with jAWS as far as I can tell. This NS client is really
designed for an older version of Windows and although running it in
compatibility mode (glad Microsoft still includes this feature) seems to
improve things greatly, there are a number of weird things happening.

1. The programme keeps minimising itself or something, so that using the
JAWS cursor, which is necessary (as far as I can tell) to use most of the
programme's functionality, becomes impossible. Sometimes I am locked out of
the menu bar for minutes at a time.

2. Right clicking on things seems to cause JAWS to spontaneously crash about
80% of the time.

3. The application key doesn't seem to act on the item in focus. What I mean
is, if you find an item that interests you, you can get a context menu with
options to "download containing folder" etc, but it pertains to a completely
different item. Simulating an actual mouse click seems to have unpredictable
results, although it works some of the time.

4. I can not figure out how to search for a user. My friend did this when I
logged in, instantly finding me and adding me to his user list. But I cannot
seem to do the same. There may be a graphical button that I need to click?

So, any JAWS users, particularly (but not exclusively) those using Windows
10, also using this programme? It is pretty neat and I'd like to find a way
to make it more stable. Any pointers, tips, tricks ... are greatly
appreciated. Cheers and thanks.


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