Hello folks:

I've just noticed something very strange.

I was on this site reading about chris brown and I attempted to copy and
paste information from the site over to word 2013.

However, when doing so, instead of the line I selected, the entire page was
selected after pasting it.

So. after doing shift down arrow, or even shift control right arrow, after
pasting it, instead of words and the sentences I copied, the entire page
ended up in word.  This is using jfw 16, ie 11.  However, when switching
over to jfw 15, everything worked as advertised.  The lines I selected
appeared in the word document, instead of  the entire page.  What is going
on with text selection and pasting with jfw 16?  Why did it work in 15 but
went wonky with 16. I assume it's just me and not anyone else but very


Thank you!

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