Hey everyone.


I am running JAWS 18, Windows 10 1709, and Adobe Acrobat Pro 10. I'm aware
that this isn't a new Acrobat version, but it's what I've got to work with
at this time. The program has a lot of handy conversion features that I
like, and it's even possible to oCR documents from within the software.
Anyway, I can open documents fine, read them, work with them, mostly. But
exiting Adobe often causes jAWS to either freeze up completely or restart.
This is fairly regular and usually happens on exit, or closing a document. I
also noticed, though this might not be connected, that when doing document
processing of some kind, iE, converting to a word document, I cannot do a
damn thing. That is, the screen-reader goes silent, and the computer seems
completely devoted to the task of converting that document and nothing else.
I appreciate that this can sometimes take a lot of processor power, but
c'mon. Is there a way to make the experience a little less - invasive?


I'm not unfamiliar with some of the problems of using Adobe Acrobat or
Reader and I know that almost noone likes working with it. I have always had
issues with crashing, either of Adobe or screen-reader, regardless of
version of OS, screen-reader or Adobe product. So I know it's probably not
going to be perfect. Just wondering if anybody had any ideas of what I could
do to make it run more smoothly, and play nice with my assistive technology.





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