Hi, I am using Windows 10 1709 build 16299.15, Jaws 18 build 4350 and Thunderbird v52.4 and have noticed that it is acting strange at times.

When replying to a message I sometimes have to shift tab to the subject line then tab back to the message field just to be able to type.

There are times when using ctrl + right arrow Jaws will read a letter twice even though there is only one letter. Example actual word cool ctrl + right
arrow says c c o o l It will not delete correctly when this happens.

I have uninstalled then reinstalled TB and it still happens. It also happened in the last release too.

Well, now in addition to the other issues it wont type a certain letter in a word. Example: tried to type stranger things. Actual text typed: straner thns. Every time i tried to add the letter g it freezes up my system for a few seconds. The more I try to type the letter g the longer the system freezes.. Switched to NVDA and was able to finish the e-mail message just fine.
So it seems to be a jaws issue.
Any ideas?

Sincerely: Randy Barnett
Owner of Soundtique.
Grants Pass, Or.

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