Hi all. I'm running the latest build of Jaws 2018 with the latest insider build of Windows 10. After a recent reinstallation of Windows and all my programs, I find that Jaws is no longer speaking list box contents, only reporting index values. This is particularly frustrating in all of Eudora's list boxes and the thread pane in Microplanet Gravity newsreader. VFO tech support insisted that Jaws has not supported Eudora for years and that I should upgrade to Thubdernird. However, this problem only occurs on my laptop; my desktop has the same configuration of Jaws and Windows 10, except for hardware differences such as sound and video graphics cards. I've updated the video card drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled them, all to no avail. I've tried switching Jaws to the default configuration, bypassing my settings, and the same list box silence persists. No scripts are running with Eudora or Microplanet Gravity. I therefore turn to the collective wisdom of my Jaws elders. I'm really swamped with dissertation writing and would rather not reinstall Windows on my laptop, yet again. But this behavior is perplexing.
Many thanks,

Orlando Enrique Fiol
Ph.D. Candidate in Music Theory
University of Pennsylvania
Professional Pianist/Keyboardist, Percussionist, Arranger, Performer and Pedagogue

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