Hi All,

I have recently decided to take plunge with JBoss development and figured that 
a good way of getting to learn the ins and out of web services maybe to create 
a project which integrates with Amazons web services. I am getting a little 
over whelmed with the capabilities of JBoss so I wondered if anyone here could 
offer their guidance with my first steps. 

I would like to create a simple nukes Portlet that interfaces to the web 
services via SOAP/WSDL. I would also like to take as much advantage as possible 
of the features of JBoss. I realize that I could make a portlet which just uses 
ordinary SOAP/WSDL calls like any other client would but I get the feeling that 
I am missing a whole load of JBoss functionality out and reinventing the wheel 

Anyway if anyone could enlighten I would be most appreciative.



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