Hi all,

I've completed a basic Maven build for JBoss which builds something approximately the same as the current build, and which appears to run pretty similarly, though I haven't done any serious tests.

If anyone wants to take a look at the files then they can be downloaded from


And an example generated site, roughly copied from the Maven one, is running at


(on a laptop on a dodgy BT ppp connection so no guarantees on reliability).

If you're reasonably familiar with Maven, then it shouldn't be too difficult to get it working - it builds the current version of HEAD without any errors (on JDK 1.4+). Anything earlier will probably break.
There are numerous jar files which you will have to add to the repository manually at the moment, but that should hopefully change. I will ask the Maven guys to upload some of the necessary stuff.
I've been using versions of both xdoclet and maven out of CVS so again there are no guarantees that it will work with earlier versions. Maven B-10 should be OK.

If anyone wants any further information on getting it to work let me know. There's still a lot to be done - optimization, testing, jar manifest information and generally making sure there isn't anything missing, though I think there may be quite a lot of dead stuff hanging about in the current build.

Any suggestions for improvements are of course welcome.


-- Luke Taylor. Monkey Machine Ltd. PGP Key ID: 0x57E9523C http://www.monkeymachine.ltd.uk

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