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BUILD COMPLETE -  build.221
Date of build: 12/15/2004 23:46:38
Time to build: 15 minutes 9 seconds
Last changed: 12/15/2004 20:19:58
Last log entry: Add a testMultiUserEchoArgs est that tests that the echo method is secured by the SRPCacheLogin module when using multi-session srp with two threads

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (5) a testMultiUserEchoArgs est that tests that the echo method is secured by the SRPCacheLogin module when using multi-session srp with two threads equals and hashCode to include the sessionID so that there is not unneccessary security domain cache misses when using mulit-user srp sessions. another ejb to test multiple user session srp against ejbs another ejb to test multiple user session srp against ejbs another ejb to test multiple user session srp against ejbs

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