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BUILD COMPLETE -  build.571
Date of build: 12/12/2004 21:53:27
Time to build: 20 minutes 51 seconds
Last changed: 12/12/2004 21:47:48
Last log entry: Update the thread pool tests to test completion timeout

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (7)
1.2modifiedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/test/ThreadPoolRunnableUnitTestCase.javaUpdate the thread pool tests to test completion timeout
1.2modifiedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/util/test/ThreadPoolTaskUnitTestCase.javaUpdate the thread pool tests to test completion timeout
1.2modifiedstarksmcommon/src/main/org/jboss/util/threadpool/BasicTaskWrapper.javaAdd the implementation of the thread pool completion timeout. There is a two step attempt to abort threads which have exceeded their time allotment. The first is an interruption of the task thread. If the thread has not returned within a second, the deprecated thread stop is used.
1.9modifiedstarksmcommon/src/main/org/jboss/util/threadpool/BasicThreadPool.javaAdd the implementation of the thread pool completion timeout. There is a two step attempt to abort threads which have exceeded their time allotment. The first is an interruption of the task thread. If the thread has not returned within a second, the deprecated thread stop is used.
1.2modifiedstarksmcommon/src/main/org/jboss/util/threadpool/RunnableTaskWrapper.javaAdd the implementation of the thread pool completion timeout. There is a two step attempt to abort threads which have exceeded their time allotment. The first is an interruption of the task thread. If the thread has not returned within a second, the deprecated thread stop is used.
1.2modifiedstarksmcommon/src/main/org/jboss/util/threadpool/TaskWrapper.javaAdd the implementation of the thread pool completion timeout. There is a two step attempt to abort threads which have exceeded their time allotment. The first is an interruption of the task thread. If the thread has not returned within a second, the deprecated thread stop is used.
1.4modifiedstarksmcommon/src/main/org/jboss/util/threadpool/ThreadPool.javaAdd the implementation of the thread pool completion timeout. There is a two step attempt to abort threads which have exceeded their time allotment. The first is an interruption of the task thread. If the thread has not returned within a second, the deprecated thread stop is used.

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