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BUILD COMPLETE -  build.638
Date of build: 12/29/2004 14:17:32
Time to build: 18 minutes 45 seconds
Last changed: 12/29/2004 11:58:28
Last log entry: The 1.0-dev release of the commons vfs library, used as a possible plugin for the VDF (VirtualDeploymentFramework)

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (5)
1.50modifiedanddtools/etc/buildmagic/libraries.entThe 1.0-dev release of the commons vfs library, used as a possible plugin for the VDF (VirtualDeploymentFramework)
1.10modifiedanddtools/etc/buildmagic/libraries.xmlThe 1.0-dev release of the commons vfs library, used as a possible plugin for the VDF (VirtualDeploymentFramework)
1.7modifiedanddthirdparty/licenses/thirdparty-licenses.xmlThe 1.0-dev release of the commons vfs library, used as a possible plugin for the VDF (VirtualDeploymentFramework)
1.2modifiedanddthirdparty/apache-commons/README.txtThe 1.0-dev release of the commons vfs library, used as a possible plugin for the VDF (VirtualDeploymentFramework)
1.1addedanddthirdparty/apache-commons/lib/commons-vfs.jarThe 1.0-dev release of the commons vfs library, used as a possible plugin for the VDF (VirtualDeploymentFramework)

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