I just fixed this. It was failing due to the changes in the compatibility matrix tests, sorry.


Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 11:05 PM
To: Andy Oliver; Adrian Brock; Alexey Loubyansky; Anil Saldhana; Bill Decoste; Bela Ban; Bill Burke; Brian Stansberry; Ben Wang; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Clebert Suconic; Dimitris Andreadis; Gavin King; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; jboss-development@lists.sourceforge.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Jason T. Greene; Jim Moran; Kabir Khan; Luc Texier; Noël Rocher; Norman Richards; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; QA; Ryan Campbell; Remy Maucherat; Ruel Loehr; Sacha Labourey; Scott M Stark; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Stan Silvert; Steve Ebersole; Thomas Heute; Thomas Diesler; Tom Elrod; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: jboss-4.0-testsuite Build Failed
Importance: High


View results here -> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-4.0-testsuite?log=log20060208234527


Ant Error Message: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-common.xml:224: The following error occurred while executing this line: /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-common.xml:148: Exit code: 1 See tests.log in Build Artifacts for details.

Date of build: 02/08/2006 23:45:27

Time to build: 16 minutes 14 seconds

Last changed: 12/30/2005 02:15:51

Last log entry: [JBAS-2142] Support marshalling of state transfer during web app deployment


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