I don't know what Manik thinks about this, but since JBossCache is a
separate project, I'm inclined to have it removed it from the AS
component list. Discourage people reporting issues against the wrong
project.  If they have issues with JBC integration in the AS, the
Clustering component should suffice.

I realize this may not be doable given the history of JIRAs from when
JBC was an AS component.  If not doable, no big deal; I don't think many
issues get raised against the component.

> Some possibilities also:
> Could be changed:
> Build System == Ruel Loehr
> Clustering == Brian Stansberry
> JBossCache == Manik Surtani
> IIOP = Franscisco Reverbel
> Could be added:
> ClassLoaders = Scott Stark
> EJB3 = Bill Burke
> EJB Timers == Dimitris Andreadis
> Scott owns also the following components, one or more could be
> off-loaded, maybe? Installer == ?
> Test Suite == ?
> EJB == ?
> Naming == ?
> Logging = ?
> Do we need also separate components for aop integration, the
> 2 consoles and stuff in common & varia (or use other?)
> How we deal with "other" ?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Adrian Brock
>> Sent: 17 April, 2006 17:58
>> To: Dimitris Andreadis
>> Cc: Andy Miller; Scott M Stark; Ivelin Ivanov; jboss-development
>> Subject: RE: Improving the JBAS JIRA handling process
>> JCA == Weston Price
>> On Mon, 2006-04-17 at 09:55 -0500, Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
>>> This is the beginning of the discussion!
>>> So if anyone wants to propose what component/leads need
>>> add/remove/change? 
>>>>      I completely agree with all of those.  Have you started the
>>>> discussion on the components leads yet?  If not, let's get that
>>>> discussion started.  I think that is the first thing that needs to
>>>> get straightened out.  After that, we can start to put some
>>>> processes in place to make things smoother.  Some components are
>>>> also in transistion, such as transactions and JMS.  So, we need to
>>>> have an understanding that the components leads in JBoss AS 5 will
>>>> be different then they are in JBoss AS 4.0.x or 3.2.x.
>>>> Andy
>> --
>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Adrian Brock
>> Chief Scientist
>> JBoss Inc.
>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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