The HARDeployer has a lot of duplicated code in common with the SARDeployer.  
The only real differences between the two being:
1) The service descriptor used to describe the service
2) "preparation of the defined mbeans" during create, which is something extra 
the HARDeployer does to inject some values into its MBean.

So locally, I've modified the HARDeployer to simply extend a slightly modified 
version of the SARDeployer.  The only differences in the new SARDeployer:
1) a new getRelativeServiceDescriptorName(), overrideable by subclasses, which 
defines the deployment-relative descriptor to locate; used throughout instead 
of hard-coded "META-INF/jboss-service.xml";
2) a slightly more modularized init() method to allow subclasses to override 
certain pieces of init-processing;
3) a slightly more modularized create() method to allow subclasses to override 
stuff here also;
4) changes to log statements that hard-coded "SAR"

Any objections to committing these changes?

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