Hi Hiram

Just started to implement JSR-77 performance
monitoring on JBossMQ (was just in the flow
after the recent events). I came up with some
questions but let me explain what JSR-77 spec.
a JMS stats contains:
- list of connections
   - which contains a list of sesssions
      - which contains a list of consumers and producers

I started adding JBoss MQ code in JMSServer
because this seems to be the central component
of JBossMQ.
Now I need to find out what connections exists
and retrieve informations from them inclusive the
list of sessions and from this the list of sender/receivers
or list of publisher/subscribers. All this seems not
to be a problem.
But I don't see the connnection between JMSServer
and SpyConnection. Is there a way to get there inclusive
going over JNDI or JMX ?


Andreas Schaefer
Senior Consultant
JBoss Group, LLC

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