Sorry for posting to dev-list. Unintentionally....

Monday, June 10, 2002, 11:56:54 AM, you wrote:

AL> Hi,

AL> I have problems with defining security constraints in web.xml. I
AL> defined two roles. For each role I defined its own security-constraint.
AL> But only the first defined constraint works properly. It seems like the constraint
AL> for the second role is omitted. And accessing restricted urls with the
AL> second role results in "Access to requested resource has been denied".
AL> If I change the order of security-constraint elements in web.xml then
AL> other role is authenticated/authorized properly.

AL> Has anyone experienced such a problem? What do I do wrong?

AL> alex

AL> Environment: JBoss-3.1.0alpha/Tomcat-4.0.2, Win2000, JDK-1.4

AL> Here is the security constraints:
AL>   <security-constraint>
AL>     <web-resource-collection>
AL>       <web-resource-name>MTCatalog Admin</web-resource-name>
AL>       <description>admin constraint</description>
AL>       <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
AL>       <http-method>HEAD</http-method>
AL>       <http-method>GET</http-method>
AL>       <http-method>POST</http-method>
AL>       <http-method>PUT</http-method>
AL>       <http-method>DELETE</http-method>
AL>     </web-resource-collection>
AL>     <auth-constraint>
AL>       <role-name>Admin</role-name>
AL>     </auth-constraint>
AL>     <user-data-constraint>
AL>       <description>no description</description>
AL>       <transport-guarantee>NONE</transport-guarantee>
AL>     </user-data-constraint>
AL>   </security-constraint>

AL>   <security-constraint>
AL>     <web-resource-collection>
AL>       <web-resource-name>MTCatalog ResourceOwner</web-resource-name>
AL>       <description>owner constraint</description>
AL>       <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
AL>       <http-method>HEAD</http-method>
AL>       <http-method>GET</http-method>
AL>       <http-method>POST</http-method>
AL>       <http-method>PUT</http-method>
AL>       <http-method>DELETE</http-method>
AL>     </web-resource-collection>
AL>     <auth-constraint>
AL>       <role-name>ResourceOwner</role-name>
AL>     </auth-constraint>
AL>     <user-data-constraint>
AL>       <description>no description</description>
AL>       <transport-guarantee>NONE</transport-guarantee>
AL>     </user-data-constraint>
AL>   </security-constraint>

Best regards,
 Alex Loubyansky


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