Each JNDI enterprise naming context(ENC) has to be unique for a J2EE
component(ejb, war). We establish the uniqueness of the ENC context
by creating a new ClassLoader for each component. This works fine for
EJBs, but a few issues have show up for web components for a number
of reasons. Example issues are some hacking of the Tomcat and Jetty
web container mbeans to get hold of the right ClassLoader and Cocoon
creating its own ClassLoader that breaks access to the java:comp/env
setup by the Tomcat mbean.

To make access to the ENC more usable I would like to change the
org.jboss.naming.ENCFactory to walk up the ClassLoader delegation
chain to try to find a parent ClassLoader which has a valid ENC binding
so that descendent ClassLoaders of the parent in which the ENC was
created work transparently.

Anyone have any objections/concerns?

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