JBoss - 4.2.3.GA

We are trying to deploy an application that was previously not clustered into a 
clustered environment. The application has heavy usage of tibco ems with both 
consumers and producers. When initially configuring the system, we used the 
wiki document on integrating JBoss with TibcoEms.

The problem now seems to be in enabling the singleton jms for the consumers. I 
am not entirely sure which portion of the configuration would need to go into 
deploy-hasingleton/jms versus deploy/jms. The setup for clustered jms suggests 
that all of the configuration go into deploy-hasingleton/jms which causes only 
the first node started to be able to find the queues. Adding the configuration 
to deploy/jms allows everything to start appropriately, however we then have 
multiple consumers trying to connect to tibco ems, which is not expected. 

The clustering documentation states that we should configure a shared 
persistence provider for the queues. Is this used to enable JBoss to determine 
which of the consumers ( node ) is active?  We did not configure the 
persistence for jms as tibco is handling this functionality. 

I am not quite sure what additional information to provide. Is this supported? 
Should the configuration be split between the deploy-hasingleton/jms and 
deploy/jms? A pointer to which configurations I need to modify/provide would be 
greatly appreciated and my apologies if this does not make perfect sense.

Thanks in advance.

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