"maph2880" wrote : 
  | I am using the LDAPUserModuleImpl user module..  For the user module, i 
have specified the common properties for userCtxDN and uidAttributeID.  For the 
Role and Membership modules, I am using DB.  

I thing the simple reason is that you are mixing UserModule from LDAP with 
RoleModule and MembershipModule from DB. HibernateMembershipModuleImpl won't be 
able to resolve user/role relationship in such scenario and I suspect this is 
the root of exception during login process. 
So simply you cannot mix modules in such way. Only usage of delegating 
UserProfileModule for DB is allowed - like configured in default ldap config.
Sory if documentation wasn't clear enough about this. I will add a note there.

If you'll have any other issues don't hesitate to ask.

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