I have the following SFSB:

  | @Stateful
  | @Scope(ScopeType.EVENT)
  | @LoggedIn
  | public class ActivityGenericFinder implements IActivityGenericFinder {
  |    public ActivityGenericFinder(){
  |       log.fatal("CONSTRUCTING");
  |    }
  |    @Create
  |    public void initialize(){
  |       init();
  |    }
  |    protected void init(){
  |       AppUtils.LOG.fatal("INITING");
  |    }
  |   public String find(){
  |      ..do stuff for find...
  |   }
  |   public String next(){
  |      ... change offset ...
  |      find();
  |   }
  |  ........
  | }

What I have noticed is the the @Create method is not always called.  Here is 
the sequence:

 - initial call to find (remember this is an Event scoped component)
    * component is constructed and then @create called

 - call next
    * component is constructed and then @Create called

 - wait for session to timeout (set to 1 minute in web.xml for testing)

 - call next
    * component is constructed
    * component @Create is NOT called
    !! Exception occurs since important stuff happens in @Create (e.g., 
initialize variables)

If I move my important stuff to the constructor, everything works as I expect - 
so I have a workaround.  I just don't like it and wondering if I am doing 
something wrong

I am using 1.2.1p1 on JBoss 4.0.4.

Has anyone else seen this?  Thoughts on what to do next?


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