I have a problem with ICEFaces and Seam using the SelectInputText 
(auto-complete) component.

I can display a list well enough and have it limit based on letters typed in. 
However when I try to add code to get the selected item, it all goes wrong. The 
offending line in question is:
SelectInputText autoComplete = (SelectInputText) event.getComponent();
As you'd expect this casts the incoming component to 
com.icesoft.faces.component.selectinputtext.SelectInputText. This results in a 
ClassCastException for me. 

To further frustrate matters I have checked the incoming component class and it 
is indeed com.icesoft.faces.component.selectinputtext.SelectInputText.
log.info("Event Component has class 
14:38:48,571 INFO  [STDOUT] Event Component has class 

I have added code to the ICEFaces sample and the only difference that I can see 
is that when it is passed in by the ICEFaces example it is an instance of 
SelectInputText, yet for some reason when I pass it in via Seam (and this 
includes using the sample code in my Seam project) it is not an instance.
event.getComponent() instanceof 

Does anyone know why this difference might result? As the ICEFaces sample code 
doesn't run in my project I assume that it is a configuration issue. Has anyone 
had ClassCast / instanceOf problems before?



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