After moving to Seam 2, I have a pageflow that goes into infinite loop.

I have the following pageflow definition:

  |    <decision name="isItemDefined" expression="#{myFlow.isItemDefined}">
  |             <transition name="true" to="itemPage"></transition>
  |             <transition name="false" to="itemSelectionPage"></transition>
  |    </decision>
  |    <page name="itemSelectionPage" view-id="/flow/itemSelection.xhtml">
  |         <redirect/>
  |             <transition name="next" to="itemPage">
  |                     <action expression="#{flow.initItemEntity}" />
  |             </transition>
  |    </page>

So when an item is not defined, the expression in the decision node returns 
false and we go the the itemSelectionPage.
The view-id of the itemSelectionPage is defined in pages.xml as:

  |     <page view-id="/flow/itemSelection.xhtml" 
action="#{flow.itemSelectionOutcome}" />
  |     <page view-id="/flow/*">
  |         <navigation>
  |             <rule if-outcome="listA">
  |                 <redirect view-id="/flow/A/itemSelection.xhtml"/>
  |             </rule>
  |             <rule if-outcome="listB">
  |                 <redirect view-id="/flow/B/itemSelection.xhtml"/>
  |             </rule>
  |         </navigation>
  |     </page>

The itemSelectionOutcome returns the type of list (listA or listB) to show.

Since moving to Seam 2, there is an infinite loop somewhere and 
flow.itemSelectionOutcome is called again and again.

If I let de definition related to <page view-id="/flow/*"> in the 
faces-config.xml file, the same thing happen.

I'm going to investigate, but if someone knows what's going on, I'll be glad to 



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