Have a wildcard login-required="true".

Have a page specific login-required="false".

It appears not to be effective.

Why do I need it?  Because I want different login depending on which part of 
the site.  One part is for mobile devices.  Very different.  So in the 
login-view-id I point to where in a .page.xml it calls an action that based 
upon redirect.getViewId() decides where to go for actual login page.  That 
actual login page then triggers the login-required, and isn't "exempt" because 
it doesn't match the login-view-id.  It worked when I used <render... to get to 
the actual page, but then I needed on the actual page another action executed, 
and <render... doesn't go there, so I have to use <redirect... and that 
triggers the login-required.

I guess even if I'd dig for the code that makes login-required="false" not 
override there might be objection to making it override, is there?

Alternate solutions?

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