I've been trying to use s:decorate in a form.  Here is the fragment I am using 
to 'decorate':

  | <ui:composition ...>
  |   <s:div id="#{id}" style="margin-bottom:9px;">
  |     <label class="topLabel">
  |       <ui:insert name="label">Field Label</ui:insert>
  |     </label>
  |     <div>
  |       <ui:insert name="field">Form Field</ui:insert>
  |       <s:span styleClass="required" rendered="#{required}">*</s:span>
  |     </div>
  |     <s:message styleClass="invalid"/>
  |   </s:div>
  | </ui:composition>

and in my form, I'm using this with s:decorate like such:

  |     <a4j:form id="newApplication">
  |       <h:messages/>
  |       <s:decorate 
  |         <ui:param name="id" value="nameRow"/>
  |         <ui:define name="label">Name:</ui:define>
  |         <ui:define name="field">
  |           <h:inputText id="name" value="#{appToEdit.name}"
  |                        styleClass="textField" style="font-weight:bold;"
  |                        size="32" required="true"/>
  |         </ui:define>
  |       </s:decorate>
  |       ....

The problem I am having is that in addition to a submit button, I want to use a 
cancel button (or link);  no matter which technique (button or link) I use, 
validation is invoked and thus I can never 'cancel' out of my form.

Is there a way to tell s:decorate to not invoke validate for a JSF request?

Brad Smith

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