[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Re: Jboss for AIX

2009-07-30 Thread logofatu
I have the same problem. With JBoss [Trinity] 4.2.0.GA running on AIX with the JVM "IBM J9 VM", version "2.4" The deployment of "jboss/server/default/deploy/uuid-key-generator.sar" fails because of java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: org.jboss.ejb.plugins.keygenerator

[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Re: Jboss for AIX

2009-02-25 Thread vickyk
Read this http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4212967#4212967 Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4212967 __