
I'm porting an application from Orion to JBoss. I'm trying to configure the 
datasource at the same JNDI-names like in Orion (starting with comp/env/jdbc) 
but I have no success with that. I'm using JBoss [4.0.5.GA (build: 
CVSTag=Branch_4_0 date=200610162339)].

I configured the folling datasource:


At startup JBoss says:
Bound ConnectionManager 
'jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=comp/env/jdbc/bps' to JNDI name 

When I lookup in the context for that JNDI name I receive the default (hsqldb 
defaultDS) connection.

If I name the datasource just jdbc/bps everything is working correct. It seems 
to me that it is not possible to name a datasource beginning with comp/env. Is 
this correct or a bug?

Some previous posting describe simular problems. This can be a big problem for 
people porting existing applications to JBoss.

Please, can somebody enlight me.

Tanks in advance.

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