
In an EJB3 application I have a EJB3-style timer that get's started by a 
ServletContextListener at deployment time.

In the Listener I call getTimerService() on an injected EJBContext.
On the resulting TimerService I call getTimers() to check whether an instance 
of that timer already exists and if not I register a new one via createTimer().

That works like a charm. When the timer was created during a previous 
deployment, it is correctly listed by getTimers() and I can react on that.

Now I was trying to add to the application a standard MBean that could be used 
to reschedule and/or cancel that timer.

In one of the MBeans business methods I do exactly as before: call 
getTimerService() on the injected EJBContext.
The problem is that the TimerService thusly returned does not seem to know 
about the timers registered earlier: it's getTimers() returns an empty 
Collection even though there are timers registered.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Thanks in advance,


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