
I have some simple entities with ID annotated  as:

  | @Entity
  | @Table(name="MY_TABLE")
  | public class MyEntity {
  | private Long id;
  | @Id @GeneratedValue
  | @Column(name="ID")
  | public Long getId() {
  |    return id;
  | }
  | public void setId(Long id) {
  |   this.id= id;
  | }
  | }

When I try to create a new entity and set its ID manually I get an exception,

here's a sample code:

  | MyEntity my = new MyEntity();
  | my.setId(new Long(4));
  | my.setSomeMoreMethods(...)
  | ..
  | em.persist(my);

I get the following exception

23:02:31,281 FATAL [application] Failed to perform the operation, failure 
message: javax.persistence.PersistenceExceptio
n: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: 
javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: Failed to perform the operation, failure 
message: javax.persistence.PersistenceExcep
tion: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to 

Why is that? The entity is NOT detached, it never got persisted, and I would 
like to set the ID manually sometime before persisting...

btw: If I invoke em.merge(my); it works, but it persist the object with new IDs

So, is that possible? with TopLink it wasn't a trouble,



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