Hi all!
I have the following problem:
I have successfully deployed a Message Driven Bean. I have a stand-alone java client which successfully sends a message
to the queue and the MDB receives and processes this message.
But when I try to do the same thing with a Session Bean the message does not seem to reach the queue. The funny thing is
that I do not get any exceptions at all. I get the factory, queue etc and invoke send(message). But then nothing at all happens.
My suspicion is that my SB must have a resource-ref and a resource-env-ref to the QueueFactory and the queue in the ejb-jar dd.
Is this correct and how should this be formatted for jboss (say my queue is named "queue/myQueue" in jboss.jcml)? Do I
need any further information in the jboss.xml dd?
I'm running Jboss 2.4.4.
Best regards,
Jonas Bergqvist

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