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"Fredrich" wrote : 

1).Every time I start JBoss 3.2.2, I get the following warnings:

a).1 warning. [TxConnectionManager] Prepare called on a local tx. Use   of local 
transactions on a jta transaction with more than one branch may result in inconsistent 
data in some cases of failure. this error shows up when MDB does some action(such as: 
updating database). I have specified a 'Required' transaction attribute but useless.

I don't understand what is meant by 'branch'. The MDB only have ONE method, onMessage. 
I use Mysql/InnoDB 4.x, and as far as I know, Mysql support transaction.

MySQL does not support 2 phase commit protocol.

"Fredrich" wrote : 

c).1 warning. [JkMain] No properties file found 

Can be ignored.

"Fredrich" wrote : 

d).5 warnings.  [EmbeddedTomcatService] Unable to invoke setDelegate on class 

yes, there are FIVE warnings like this.

Can be ignored.

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