At 07:46 PM 2/18/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Paul,
>   I took a look.  It turns out I was pointing it at the wrong install of
>After making the change, I tried turning on classic mode.  However, that is
>available in the Solaris version.  I was able to get JDEbug to debug a
>application, although it seems to still have some problems stopping at the
>etc.  Is JDEbug simply not happy under Solaris?

This subject has been discussed extensively on the JDE list. You should
search the archive. In a nutshell, JDEBug is based on Sun's JPDA and it
cannot be any happier than JPDA. JPDA is happy only with some versions of
the "reference version" of JDK 1.2.2 and works with JDK 1.3 only if you
have the latest patches to Solaris installed.

As for missing breakpoints, this could be due to any one of a number of
reasons, including bugs in JPDA (there are some known bugs, for example,
missing breakpoints in files with static members), files not compiled with
debug info, class files created by jikes do not contain the correct debug
info,  etc. 

Other possible reasons that I plan to explore include:

1) The JDK 1.3 compiler by default compiles class files to the JDK 1.1
standard. I wonder if it would make a difference to set the target to JDK 1.3.

2) JDEBug uses the absolute breakpoint spec option of JPDA to set
breakpoints. This is the line number in the source file. One user has
suggested that this can cause problems if the path stored in the class file
is not the same as the path of the source file on the system.
I don't know if this is true, but I plan to explore it further.

- Paul 

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