On Sat, Oct 02, 2004 at 11:28:15PM -0400, Nascif Abousalh-Neto wrote:
> Yeah, other tools use gnuclient for the same purpose, like the
> emacs-python bridge.
> Usually a refactoring tool will need info from the IDE (region
> boundaries, for example) or will need to send commands back to it
> (inject new code in the buffer). Gnuclient provices a good way to do
> it (not that there are many alternatives...)
> I haven't used FreeFactor in a while so I can't help you much with
> this problem. I don't think the tool has kept up-to-date with the
> changes in JDEE, their web site mentions the 2.2.9 version... But it
> was a nice start, perhaps it could be *the* refactoring tool for JDEE
> with the appropriate effort behind it.
> Hi Graham, Are you still having fun with FreeFactor?

Hi Nascif,

Unfortunately Freefactor hasn't been touched for quite a long time now.
As you say, the error is probably caused by changes to JDEE since
freefactor was written.  I don't have much time to devote to this
anymore, but I'm happy to help anyone who might want to take a stab at
fixing things.



Graham Bennett

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