On Friday 27 April 2001 17:54, you wrote:
> --- Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nick, would BCEL's dual license permit BCEL.jar to
> > be distributed with the
> > JDE? If so, I'd be inclined simply to include
> > BCEL.jar in the JDE zip file
> > along with jde.jar and bsh.jar.
> Since the only terms for redistribution under LGPL
> include displaying a copyright notice, disclaimer of
> warranty, and the license file, and the JDE is already
> GPL, I should think that simply pointing out that BCEL
> is covered under the LGPL should allow the JDE to
> include it.
> Markus, is this a reasonable assumption to make about
> your intentions for how BCEL can be redistributed?

You're right, redistribution is covered by the LGPL. By the way, I wonder 
what you are using BCEL for?

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