ECB, Emacs Code Browser, version 1.40 is now available at:

ECB is a source code browser that displays directories,
source files, methods and variables that can be navigated
using the mouse (and keyboard). It supports parsing of Java,
C, C++ and Elisp source code. It is completely written in
Emacs Lisp and uses semantic to parse source files.

Major changes since last version:

- ECB now requires semantic 1.4beta8 or later!

- ECB is now a global minor mode with it's own menu "ECB"
  and it's own keymap with prefix "C-c .".

- Better integration with semantic: 

  - ECB now uses semantic functions to display tokens in the
    methods buffer.

  - Only changed tokens are updated in the methods buffer.  

  - Can display any semantic token type in the methods buffer.

- Added a token tree cache that stores recently opened
  buffers' token trees. This makes the buffer switching much
  faster and also saves expanded token tree nodes.

- Better support for small screens:

  - A new layout, nr. 11.

  - New function to toggle visibility of the ECB windows
    (see 'ecb-toggle-ecb-windows').

Contributions, suggestions and bug reports are welcome!
Please send them to the public mailing list:

/Jesper Nordenberg

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