JDEE beta 5 doesn't consistently fontify constants such as FOO_BAR.
Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.  When it doesn't, if I edit the
buffer, it will suddenly fontify properly, but if I reload the file the
proper fontification will go away.  For example, if I start up emacs
without my init file (emacs -q), and only do:

  (load-file "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/cedet-1.0beta3b/common/cedet.elc")
  (require 'jde)

If I load the following file into a buffer:

  public class test {
      public final static boolean FONT_LOCK_TEST = false;
      public void foo() {

FONT_LOCK_TEST will not be fontified.  However, if I edit in any way
lines 2 or 4 (that contain FONT_LOCK_TEST), it will be fontified
according to jde-java-font-lock-constant-face correctly.  If I then kill
the buffer and revisit the same file, the fontification will go away.

In larger source files, some constants will be fontified, and some
won't.  I can't tell what will determine it; code structures such as:

  if (foo == FIRST_CONSTANT || foo == SECOND_CONSTANT) { ... }

may fontify the first or second or both.  The same constant will appear
fontified in some lines but not others in the same source file.  Very
weird.  Help?


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