
I'm new to Jabber and this list. I want to run a Jabber server on my web server and integrate the two. I'd like to have a web page that lists all the connected users, etc. Later I'm going to need to add other services to the Jabber server.

I haven't chosen a server to work with yet, so I'm hoping for some advice on which project would be easier to use and customize. I do most of my programming in Java and web development with Apache Cocoon.

So far I've looked mostly at Open-IM and Jive Messenger. Open-IM seems like it might be in a weird state right now; I'm not sure how actively it's being worked on. Jive Messenger is very active and they just released a new version, but it requires Java 1.5 which is a bit of a problem.

I'm also unsure what the best was to integrate is. If Cocoon and Jabber are run in the same JVM then certain things become real easy, but it ties the solution together very (too?) tightly and might not scale well with many users. Another option is to link the jabber and web side through a socket. Then each could run on separate servers and I could switch one software package for another if it could use the same protocol. Is there a standard for getting that kind of information (global admin type stuff) out of a Jabber server, say an XMPP Admin schema?

I think sockets is obviously the better long term solution, but right now I just want to get a prototype up and running.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


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