
> Can anyone comment on that? Which Java API for XMPP should I 
> use? It seems to me at first sight that Smack and Echomine's 
> Muse are the furthest developed. Muse claims to support the 
> most JEPs, but then again Muse's development has stopped a 
> year ago, while Smack still seems active.

Smack for sure, although I'm 100% biased as one of the developers. :)

> I have no real experience with that, and I wonder whether it 
> will be harder to implement two JEPs (55 and 65) rather than 
> just the one (SOAP over XMPP, JEP 72) and then handle 
> everything through that.

Smack has direct support for all the bits that you should need. In
particular, the file transfer code is quite mature. For searching -- you
could implement your own IQ packets pretty easily.


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