1. JDO-830: "tck: Migrate JUnit tests to version 

Currently using JUnit 5.9.3. But it no longer works subclassing the 
ConsoleLauncher because now with JUnit 5.10.0. the execute method no longer 
returns the number of tests, errors, failures, etc. So we will need to look 
into where the information is stored so we can maintain compatibility with how 
it works today.

See the branch at:https://github.com/apache/db-jdo/tree/JDO-830


Update: JUnit provides an Interface TestExecutionListener and an
implementing class SummaryGeneratingListener that calculates the number
of tests, succeeds, failures etc.
I could add a subclass of SummaryGeneratingListener that prints the test
result in the file TCK-results.txt. This class is activated through a
service provider interface, so I added a file
org.junit.platform.launcher.TestExecutionListener under
META-INF/services including the name of the subclass
TCKSummaryGeneratingListener. I think this is the intended way to handle
the test execution result.

You find the update in the branch


Michael Bouschen
akquinet tech@spree GmbH
Bülowstraße 66 • D-10783 Berlin
Tel:   +49 30 235520-0
Fax:  +49 30 217520-12

E-Mail: michael.bousc...@akquinet.de
Web: www.akquinet.de <http://www.akquinet.de/>

Geschäftsführung: Dr. Torsten Fink, Heinz Wilming
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