Attendees: Michelle Caisse, Craig Russell


1. TCK State Transitions test: the way the test creates e.g. persistent dirty instances is to get a random persistent instance from the database, make it hollow, and then write the field. The specification states "A hollow instance transitions to persistent- dirty if a change is made to any managed field. " Does this apply if the value written is the same as the current value? It's deliberately vague. The test could be improved by implementing the getPersistentDirtyInstance to write the value of the static field into the persistent field instead of the value 23.

There are 50 instances created at the beginning of the test because at the time the test is run, you don't know how many instances are needed. It depends on the features supported by the iut.

Patches welcome.

2. Ability to mark a class as read-only -

Nothing in the specification calls for writing to the database at the time the field is changed, so the checking probably should be done at flush/commit, even for datastore transactions.

3. Other issues

Action Items from weeks past:

[Feb 25 2011] AI Michael, Craig, other volunteers: Look at Typesafe ...
query capability for JDOQL

Craig L Russell
Architect, Oracle
408 276-5638
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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