Thank you for all the suggestions! They were all helpful.

In the end it turned out that our maven installation was not set up 
correctly (we used an apt-get version). This created several problems that 
were solved by doing a clean reinstall of maven and making sure that it 
runs without requiring root privileges. After that it was pretty 

The issue is resolved and everything works like a charm.

On Friday, April 10, 2020 at 6:54:10 PM UTC+3, Marina Goltseva wrote:
> Greetings,
> Recently, we have developed and published a plugin to the jenkinsci: 
> , however we have 
> encountered some publication problems and were hoping to get assistance 
> with this issue.
> The wallarm-fast plugin is not appearing in the /pluginmanager area of a 
> jenkins instance 
> So far we've followed the publishing guide (
> as 
> well as the infra guide (
> Everything 
> is seemingly fine, but we fail to reach the end result of seeing our plugin 
> in the built-in jenkins search page.
> There may be issues due to our plugin being originally ruby and only 
> recently being rewritten in java. We have not found any reason this may 
> cause problems, but we cannot be sure.
> From the source code at (
> )|
>  we 
> can see that there may be a period to building and publishing, but it's 
> unclear how often this happens (should we just wait a few hours / days / 
> months?).
> After which step should we expect the plugin to appear?
> Originally, we tried using the Jenkins Jira page: 
> . 
> Any help in troubleshooting will be greatly appreciated!

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