The Jenkins board meeting starts at 7:00 PM UTC (about 6 hours from now).  
Zoom link is 

Here is the draft agenda:

Upcoming Calendar 📆
   - Next LTS: 2.426.2, December 13, 2023
      - Kris Stern is the release lead, backporting pull request 
      <> submitted
      - Release candidate delivered Wednesday November 29, 2023
   - Next weekly release: 2.436
   - Two week break in LTS schedule: 2.426.3, January 24, 2024 (6 weeks 
   after 2.426.2 instead of the usual 4 weeks)
      - Refer to developer mailing list discussion 
      - No break expected in weekly release schedules
   - Next major events:
      - FOSDEM 2024 - February 2-4, 2024
         - Jenkins Contributor Summit Friday February 2, 2024
            - Jean-Marc Meessen collecting agenda topics in community forum 
         - FOSDEM conference Saturday and Sunday February 3-4, 2024
AgendaAction Items
   - Basil create the attribution entries for the downloads page
   - Damien create issue to switch agent implementation to virtual machines 
   - Alexander Brandes and Ullrich Hafner run the officer and board 
   elections for 2023 (*done*)
      - Timeline
         - Blog post 
      - Mark Waite submit pull request to combine subprojects 
   and SIGs into a single concept - “working groups”
      - More pull requests needed
   - Retire the Chinese Jenkins site (Kevin Martens)
      - Kevin has started his local Kubernetes development environment to 
      prototype the transition
      - Mark still needs to start his local Kubernetes development 
      environment to prototype the transition
      - Once prototyped, then Kevin and Mark meet with Damien Duportal to 
      review next steps
      - Kevin Martens (Docs Officer) tracking help desk ticket 
      <> to replace 
      the Chinese pages with redirects to the English pages
         - Kevin working with the infrastructure team on the Helm charts 
         implementing the Chinese site
      - Mark Waite draft a proposal to the board for license policy and 
   phrasing changes
      - Basil submitted a governance document pull request 
      <> to accept 
      public domain licenses
         - Board approval of the addition of public domain licenses to the 
         governance document
         - Allows the public domain json library and others to be used
      - What license should be used for a library plugin?
         - License of the wrapped library (if wrapped library has no 
         separate code, then seems likely)
         - MIT license as used by Jenkins plugins (if abstraction layer in 
         the plugin, then MIT for ours?)
      - Review responses from other projects to license mixture (e.g. PyPI)
         - Mostly focuses on OSI approved licenses but include a separate 
         category for other licenses
            - Have categories for freeware, public domain, and more
            - Reasonable precedent for allowing a wider range of licenses
            - Needs more discussion, but being more permissive is working 
            for PyPI
            - Newer licenses may be more controversial
Community activity
   Jenkins contributor spotlight <> - Kevin 
   - Thanks to Kevin Martens, Kris Stern, Herve Le Meur, Cristina 
      Pizzagalli, and Alyssa Tong
      - Source repository 
      - Upcoming contributors to be highlighted
         - Alex Earl 
         <> - 
         Dec 13, 2023
         - Kris Stern 
         <> - 
         Dec 27, 2023
         - Ulli Hafner 
   Artifactory bandwidth reduction project - Mark Waite
   - 20 TB of bandwidth used in November, 1/3 due to cached artifacts from 
      Apache Maven Central
         - JFrog has asked that we remove the cached artifacts from the 
         Jenkins public virtual repository
      - Artifactory brownout 
      Wednesday 6 Dec 2023
         - Jenkins core build passed during brownout
         - Repository permissions updater build failed during brownout due 
         to missing Atlassian Jira integration library
         - Top 250 most popular plugin repositories checked during brownout
            - 235 repositories built without issue
            - Failures due to Atlassian Jira integration jar files missing
               - Artifactory plugin
               - Blue ocean plugin
               - Configuration as code plugin
               - Jira plugin
            - Failures due to Atlassian Crowd2 jar files missing
               - Configuration as code plugin (files removed from most 
               recent plugin release)
            - Failures due to use of Gradle to build plugin
               - Gradle plugin - rely on Gradle plugin maintainers to check 
               for compatibility
            - Failures due to outdated tooling
               - Docker build publish plugin
               - Groovy postbuild plugin
               - Job import plugin
               - Pipeline AWS plugin
               - Pipeline multibranch defaults plugin
               - ssh plugin (also has open security vulnerabilities)
   Java 11, 17, and 21 in Jenkins - Mark Waite
   - 2+2+2 Java support plan - Jenkins enhancement proposal 
         - Include the steps of the Java migration as part of the JEP (work 
         estimate, tasks, etc.)
            - Mark has much more work to do here
               - Adding a Java version (use Java 21 addition as the pattern)
               - Making a Java version the recommended version (use Java 17 
               as the pattern)
               - Dropping support for a Java version (refer to Java 11 for 
            - Further refinements to be done in the JEP
         - Key dates
         - Oct 2, 2024 - Last Jenkins LTS release to support Java 11
         - Oct 30, 2024 - First Jenkins LTS to require Java 17
         - Oct 31, 2024 - end of Java 11 support by Jenkins project
Governance Topics
   Board and officer elections - Ulli Hafner
   - Final announcement 
      Alex and Ulli
      - Basil Crow has been invited to
         - “board” group on
         - “board” team in the jenkinsci organisation 
         - “board” team in the jenkins-infra organisation 
         - "board" mailing list 
         <> (pending 
      - Oleg has been removed from
         - “board” group on
         - “board” team in the jenkinsci organisation 
         - “board” team in the jenkins-infra organisation 
         - "board" mailing list 
   Artifactory bandwidth reduction project 
   - Suspend distribution of Crowd 2 plugin 
      <> (due to closed source 
         - Issue report 
         <>, announced 
         on plugin site <>, GitHub 
         repository <> is 
         archived because Atlassian Crowd data center reaches end of support in 
         February 2024
         - Email sent to Jenkins board and plugin maintainers confirms 2 
         maintainers know plugin distribution will be suspended
      - Suspend distribution of Confluence publisher plugin (due to closed 
      source dependencies)
         - Issue report 
         - Email sent to Jenkins board and the plugin maintainers telling 
         them of the plan to suspend distribution
   Defaced issue reports - help desk 3851 
   - User "Sintayew" applied one or more bulk operations to over 900 
      Jenkins issues Dec 6, 2023
         - User has been inactivated
         - Bulk operations no longer allowed for standard users
      - Recovery alternatives
         - Restore from backup prior to Dec 6, 2023, lose all changes since 
         Dec 6, 2023
         - Manually reverse the most obvious defacement, accept damage, 
         retain changes since Dec 6, 2023
      - Linux Foundation ticket IT-26276 
      to request alternatives and their recommendation
   Attribution request 
   <> for downloads 
   page from JFrog
   - Basil has submitted a draft pull request 
      <> for a 
      sponsors page
         - Proposes multiple levels
            - Original proposal
               - Anchor
               - Premier
               - Partner
               - Supporter
               - Associate
               - Mirror
            - Alternate proposal (Olympic medals + 2 extra)
               - Anchor
               - Gold
               - Silver
               - Bronze
               - Mirror
            - Links from the downloads page do not use
      - Good to highlight our sponsors (like JFrog) in multiple ways
      - Proposed to list sponsors at the end of the downloads page similar 
      to the end of the root page
         - Include links to a description of the architecture used to 
         distribute Jenkins core and Jenkins plugins
   Social media posting status report
   - Social media posting volume is less in the last two weeks than in the 
      previous two weeks
         - Encourage contributors to propose technical social media items 
         to share
            - Proposals to the advocacy and outreach chat channel 
   Azure credits donation - Mark Waite
   - Jenkins infrastructure help desk ticket 
      <> is tracking 
      - Successfully used some donated credits in November, 2023
      - Budget estimates shared with Continuous Delivery Foundation
      - October and November Azure expenses were less than the CDF budgeted 

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