Originally wrote this to Ryan, who developed the reviewboard Jenkins plugin, but his e-mail address no longer works, so just sending it to the dev list instead.

Hi, Ryan,

The other day I wrote a patch-parameter plugin [1] that lets people submit a patch file to Jenkins and build it.

I was talking to orrc in the IRC and he thought that the review board plugin might be able to take advantages of this --- the idea is that when people create new reviews and submit a patch, Jenkins can provide a feedback by testing out that patch.

A similar mechanism exists for Git, which is implemented in the gerrit trigger plugin [2], and this was very well received.

I don't personally use review board, but I think it'll be a great feature. So I just wanted to pass it on.

[1] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Patch+Parameter+Plugin
[2] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gerrit+Trigger
Kohsuke Kawaguchi                          http://kohsuke.org/

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