Managed to fix it.
A project dependency was requiring guava 18.0, but jenkis-core was fetching 
11.0.1. To fix it I had to exclude guava from jenkins-core:

From: 'Claudiu Guiman' via Jenkins Developers 
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 09:33
Subject: Need help configuring the pom.xml so I can have integration tests

I’m trying to add integration tests in my plugin and I want them to be optional 
and only be triggered if you run a specific maven step.
To accomplish this I added a dependency to the maven failsafe plugin and now I 
need to run “mvn failsafe:integration-test” to run my specific integration 
So far so good, but when I need to execute some code that depends on jenkins 
I’m getting NoClassDefFoundError exceptions. I managed to fix some of these by 
adding a dependency to the jenkins-test-harness, but now I’m hitting one I 
can’t fix: “java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
com/google/common/reflect/TypeToken”. The exception is due to the fact that I 
don’t have a direct dependency to google guava, but the jenkins-core should 
bring that into my classpath, but even if I add the jenkins-core as a 
dependency within the “test” scope I can’t manage to fix it.
Here’s the pom file portion in question:

I’m using “provided” scope right now because that’s what Maven recommends:<>
Can someone help me understand what I’m doing wrong and how I should fix the 
pom file?

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