Hi Everyone,

I have an annoying problem with layout of one the plugins im developing.
I'm displaying a bunch of graphs and i want the graphs to align themselves
to the right of the other components on a jobs main page (Permalinks,
Workspace, Recent changes). Is there any way to modify those things in a
plugin (additional styling, attributes...etc)?

I've created something that works in Firefox and IE9, by wrapping all my
graphs, in a floatingBox.jelly file, in a div that floats right (with a
predetermined width), and clears right, we want nothing to flow to the
right of the main bulk. But i can't get that to work in IE9. There is also
quite a diffrence in the layout of the project mainpage in IE9 and Firefox.
The heading is much bigger in IE and the build history box is much narrower
than in Firefox and Google Chrome.

So can i write a Jelly file that modifies the styling og layouting of the
components? i've marked with red on the attached image Been causing me
quite a headache since im not that familiar with styling and css... :)

*Mads Nielsen
Trainee and Wizard
Praqma A/S

*Tel: +45 50 98 18 09
Mail: m...@praqma.net <l...@praqma.net>
web: www.praqma.net*
*Tilmeld dig Praqmas Nyhedsgruppe! <praqma-news+subscr...@googlegroups.com>*

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