[JIRA] (JENKINS-42050) How to set multiple git refspec in checkout step?

2017-02-14 Thread abc...@163.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 feng yu updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42050  
  How to set multiple git refspec in checkout step?   


Change By: 
 feng yu  


 Here is my pipeline code:{code}Map scm = [$class: 'GitSCM',extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: conf.dir],[$class: 'CleanCheckout'],[$class: 'PruneStaleBranch']],browser: [$class: 'GitLab',repoUrl: "https://hide/${conf.name}", version: '8.16'],userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'Gitlab-CI-SSH-KEY',refspec: '+refs/merge-requests/*/head' + ':refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/*',url: "git@hide:${conf.name}.git"]]]switch(env.gitlabActionType) {case 'PUSH':scm.branches = [[name: "${env.gitlabSourceBranch}"]]breakcase 'MERGE':scm.branches = [[name: "merge-requests/${env.gitlabMergeRequestIid}/head"]]breakdefault:scm.branches = [[name: conf.refs ?: 'master' ]]}echo "Using this scm branches config: ${scm.branches}"checkout scm{code}But I find the exist branches not update. Here is the console output:{code}Using this scm branches config: [[name:dev]][Pipeline] checkout > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git # timeout=10Pruning obsolete local branchesFetching upstream changes from git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git > git --version # timeout=10using GIT_SSH to set credentials gitlab ci用户使用的ssh key > git fetch --tags --progress git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git +refs/merge-requests/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/* --prune > git rev-parse origin/dev^{commit} # timeout=10Checking out Revision 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618 (origin/dev) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618 > git rev-list 26d6a193b0b56f67d526cefee5d5c3199d168e75 # timeout=10Cleaning workspace > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10Resetting working tree > git reset --hard # timeout=10 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10{code}Jenkins think origin/dev sha-1 is 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618, but in fact it's  26d6a19. I try to access to jenkins workspace and exec git fetch, the branches updated:{code}$ git fetch remote: Counting objects: 4, done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.From hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles   1065454..26d6a19  dev-> origin/dev   f6b526b..e70443c  master -> origin/master{code}So git plugin does not update the exist branches, because git fetch --tags does not fetch the exist branches, see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1204190/does-git-fetch-tags-include-git-fetchEDIT:It's my fault, because I set the wrong refspec. I've edited my title. According to gitlab docs, 

[JIRA] (JENKINS-42050) How to set multiple git refspec in checkout step?

2017-02-14 Thread abc...@163.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 feng yu updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42050  
  How to set multiple git refspec in checkout step?   


Change By: 
 feng yu  


 Here is my pipeline code:{code}Map scm = [$class: 'GitSCM',extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: conf.dir],[$class: 'CleanCheckout'],[$class: 'PruneStaleBranch']],browser: [$class: 'GitLab',repoUrl: "https://hide/${conf.name}", version: '8.16'],userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'Gitlab-CI-SSH-KEY',refspec: '+refs/merge-requests/*/head' + ':refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/*',url: "git@hide:${conf.name}.git"]]]switch(env.gitlabActionType) {case 'PUSH':scm.branches = [[name: "${env.gitlabSourceBranch}"]]breakcase 'MERGE':scm.branches = [[name: "merge-requests/${env.gitlabMergeRequestIid}/head"]]breakdefault:scm.branches = [[name: conf.refs ?: 'master' ]]}echo "Using this scm branches config: ${scm.branches}"checkout scm{code}But I find the exist branches not update. Here is the console output:{code}Using this scm branches config: [[name:dev]][Pipeline] checkout > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git # timeout=10Pruning obsolete local branchesFetching upstream changes from git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git > git --version # timeout=10using GIT_SSH to set credentials gitlab ci用户使用的ssh key > git fetch --tags --progress git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git +refs/merge-requests/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/* --prune > git rev-parse origin/dev^{commit} # timeout=10Checking out Revision 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618 (origin/dev) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618 > git rev-list 26d6a193b0b56f67d526cefee5d5c3199d168e75 # timeout=10Cleaning workspace > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10Resetting working tree > git reset --hard # timeout=10 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10{code}Jenkins think origin/dev sha-1 is 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618, but in fact it's  26d6a19. I try to access to jenkins workspace and exec git fetch, the branches updated:{code}$ git fetch remote: Counting objects: 4, done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.From hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles   1065454..26d6a19  dev-> origin/dev   f6b526b..e70443c  master -> origin/master{code}So git plugin does not update the exist branches, because git fetch --tags does not fetch the exist branches, see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1204190/does-git-fetch-tags-include-git-fetch EDIT:It's my fault, because I set the wrong refspec. I've edited my title. According to gitlab docs, 

[JIRA] (JENKINS-42050) How to set multiple git refspec in checkout step?

2017-02-14 Thread abc...@163.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 feng yu updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42050  
  How to set multiple git refspec in checkout step?   


Change By: 
 feng yu  
 How to set multiple git  fetch --all not update exist branches  refspec in checkout step?  



 Add Comment  




 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.1.7#71011-sha1:2526d7c)  





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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42050) git fetch --all not update exist branches

2017-02-14 Thread abc...@163.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 feng yu updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42050  
  git fetch --all not update exist branches   


Change By: 
 feng yu  


 Here is my pipeline code:{ { code} } Map scm = [$class: 'GitSCM',extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: conf.dir],[$class: 'CleanCheckout'],[$class: 'PruneStaleBranch']],browser: [$class: 'GitLab',repoUrl: "https://hide/${conf.name}", version: '8.16'],userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'Gitlab-CI-SSH-KEY',refspec: '+refs/merge-requests/*/head' + ':refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/*',url: "git@hide:${conf.name}.git"]]]switch(env.gitlabActionType) {case 'PUSH':scm.branches = [[name: "${env.gitlabSourceBranch}"]]breakcase 'MERGE':scm.branches = [[name: "merge-requests/${env.gitlabMergeRequestIid}/head"]]breakdefault:scm.branches = [[name: conf.refs ?: 'master' ]]}echo "Using this scm branches config: ${scm.branches}"checkout scm{ {/ code} } But I find the exist branches not update. Here is the console output:{ { code} } Using this scm branches config: [[name:dev]][Pipeline] checkout > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git # timeout=10Pruning obsolete local branchesFetching upstream changes from git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git > git --version # timeout=10using GIT_SSH to set credentials gitlab ci用户使用的ssh key > git fetch --tags --progress git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git +refs/merge-requests/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/* --prune > git rev-parse origin/dev^{commit} # timeout=10Checking out Revision 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618 (origin/dev) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618 > git rev-list 26d6a193b0b56f67d526cefee5d5c3199d168e75 # timeout=10Cleaning workspace > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10Resetting working tree > git reset --hard # timeout=10 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10{ {/ code} } Jenkins think origin/dev sha-1 is 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618, but in fact it's  26d6a19. I try to access to jenkins workspace and exec git fetch, the branches updated:{ { code} } $ git fetch remote: Counting objects: 4, done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.From hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles   1065454..26d6a19  dev-> origin/dev   f6b526b..e70443c  master -> origin/master{ {/ code} } So git plugin does not update the exist branches, because git fetch --tags does not fetch the exist branches, see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1204190/does-git-fetch-tags-include-git-fetch  

[JIRA] (JENKINS-42050) git fetch --all not update exist branches

2017-02-14 Thread abc...@163.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 feng yu updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42050  
  git fetch --all not update exist branches   


Change By: 
 feng yu  


 Here is my pipeline code:{{code}}Map scm = [$class: 'GitSCM',extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: conf.dir],[$class: 'CleanCheckout'],[$class: 'PruneStaleBranch']],browser: [$class: 'GitLab',repoUrl: "https://hide/${conf.name}", version: '8.16'],userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'Gitlab-CI-SSH-KEY',refspec: '+refs/merge-requests/*/head' + ':refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/*',url: "git@hide:${conf.name}.git"]]]switch(env.gitlabActionType) {case 'PUSH':scm.branches = [[name: "${env.gitlabSourceBranch}"]]breakcase 'MERGE':scm.branches = [[name: "merge-requests/${env.gitlabMergeRequestIid}/head"]]breakdefault:scm.branches = [[name: conf.refs ?: 'master' ]]}echo "Using this scm branches config: ${scm.branches}"checkout scm{{ / code}}But I find the exist branches not update. Here is the console output:{{code}}Using this scm branches config: [[name:dev]][Pipeline] checkout > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git # timeout=10Pruning obsolete local branchesFetching upstream changes from git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git > git --version # timeout=10using GIT_SSH to set credentials gitlab ci用户使用的ssh key > git fetch --tags --progress git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git +refs/merge-requests/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/* --prune > git rev-parse origin/dev^{commit} # timeout=10Checking out Revision 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618 (origin/dev) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618 > git rev-list 26d6a193b0b56f67d526cefee5d5c3199d168e75 # timeout=10Cleaning workspace > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10Resetting working tree > git reset --hard # timeout=10 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10{{ / code}}Jenkins think origin/dev sha-1 is 1065454f788597d370a34de5f05570cc9074b618, but in fact it's  26d6a19. I try to access to jenkins workspace and exec git fetch, the branches updated:{{code}}$ git fetch remote: Counting objects: 4, done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), done.From hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles   1065454..26d6a19  dev-> origin/dev   f6b526b..e70443c  master -> origin/master{{ / code}}So git plugin does not update the exist branches, because git fetch --tags does not fetch the exist branches, see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1204190/does-git-fetch-tags-include-git-fetch  

[JIRA] (JENKINS-42044) Cannot use containerTemplate image from private registry

2017-02-14 Thread jenkins...@carlossanchez.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Carlos Sanchez commented on  JENKINS-42044  



  Re: Cannot use containerTemplate image from private registry   


 have you configured imagePullSecrets ?  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.1.7#71011-sha1:2526d7c)  





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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42050) git fetch --all not update exist branches

2017-02-14 Thread abc...@163.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 feng yu created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42050  
  git fetch --all not update exist branches   


Issue Type: 
 Mark Waite  
 2017/Feb/15 7:14 AM  
 git plugin version: 3.0.5  git version: 2.11.0  
 feng yu  


 Here is my pipeline code: code Map scm = [ $class: 'GitSCM', extensions: [ [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: conf.dir], [$class: 'CleanCheckout'], [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'] ], browser: [ $class: 'GitLab', repoUrl: "https://hide/$ {conf.name}", version: '8.16' ], userRemoteConfigs: [[ credentialsId: 'Gitlab-CI-SSH-KEY', refspec: '+refs/merge-requests/*/head' + ':refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/*', url: "git@hide:${conf.name} .git" ]] ]  switch(env.gitlabActionType) { case 'PUSH': scm.branches = [[name: "$ {env.gitlabSourceBranch} "]] break case 'MERGE': scm.branches = [[name: "merge-requests/$ {env.gitlabMergeRequestIid} /head"]] break default: scm.branches = [[name: conf.refs ?: 'master' ]] }  echo "Using this scm branches config: $ {scm.branches} " checkout scm code But I find the exist branches not update. Here is the console output: code Using this scm branches config: [[name:dev]] [Pipeline] checkout > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git # timeout=10 Pruning obsolete local branches Fetching upstream changes from git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git > git --version # timeout=10 using GIT_SSH to set credentials gitlab ci用户使用的ssh key > git fetch --tags --progress git@hide:devops/Jenkinsfiles.git +refs/merge-requests//head:refs/remotes/origin/merge-requests/ --prune > git rev-parse origin/dev^ {commit}  # timeout=10 

[JIRA] (JENKINS-42049) How to kill unstoppable zombie pipeline jobs

2017-02-14 Thread simon.beyer....@miele.de (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Simon Beyer created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42049  
  How to kill unstoppable zombie pipeline jobs   


Issue Type: 
 2017/Feb/15 7:02 AM  
 Jenkins 10.9  integrity plugin 2.0.1  
 Simon Beyer  


 We got some pipeline jobs which are impossible to kill. After pressing the red 'x' Button we get the following output: 



[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS
Resuming build at Wed Feb 15 07:47:17 CET 2017 after Jenkins restart
Ready to run at Wed Feb 15 07:47:19 CET 2017
Resuming build at Wed Feb 15 07:50:34 CET 2017 after Jenkins restart
Ready to run at Wed Feb 15 07:50:35 CET 2017
Aborted by User
Click here to forcibly terminate running steps

 The main problem is, that the build succeeded but tried to restart after a jenkins restart. Clicking the 'terminate' message does not work. Are they suggestions how to kill those 'zombie' pipelines?  


[JIRA] (JENKINS-41396) Declarative: Add script definition section to root pipeline block

2017-02-14 Thread bitwise...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Liam Newman updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41396  
  Declarative: Add script definition section to root pipeline block   


Change By: 
 Liam Newman  
 Declarative: Add  " script "  definition  section to root pipeline block  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.1.7#71011-sha1:2526d7c)  





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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41966) Entering and exiting the editor

2017-02-14 Thread bmacl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Brody Maclean updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41966  
  Entering and exiting the editor   


Change By: 
 Brody Maclean  


 *Entry points** Creation (when there is no Jenkinsfile in the repository) ** https://invis.io/Q2A110KM9#/216715766_Pipeline_Creation-Github_Step_4_No_Repos** https://zpl.io/AOIaW* For a specific branch on the Branches tab ** https://invis.io/Q2A110KM9#/218891868_Pipeline-Branches** https://zpl.io/ZtGMt8* For a specific branch on the run screen ** https://invis.io/Q2A110KM9#/218685699_Failed_Tests_1200px** https://zpl.io/Z4q3x2*Saving options*Very similar to Githubs web file editing workflow. ** https://invis.io/Q2A110KM9#/219103950_Editor-Commit_New_File  ** https://zpl.io/ZGeB17 We present a dialog that allows users to:* Specify a commit message* Specify a commit description* Radio list** Commit to $CURRENT_BRANCH** Commit to new branch*** Text box: branch name* Buttons** Save - commits the Jenkinsfile** Cancel - exists this dialog and returns to the editor_Github example_ !github-new-file.png|thumbnail! *Authenticating*When saving we may have to ask for a "upgrade" to the stored Github token. Writing to the repository needs different scopes than what we may have setup during creation. I'd imagine this looks very similar to the creation way of doing it (asking for a Key)*Editor header buttons** * https://invis.io/Q2A110KM9#/219088047_Editor-Home** https://zpl.io/1Aij8a*  Save - triggers the save dialog* Try** Needs to be defined** Cancel - exists the editor without saving, goes back to entry point  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-31866) Attempts to restrict Pipeline jobs from running on master result in job hanging

2017-02-14 Thread o.v.nenas...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Oleg Nenashev commented on  JENKINS-31866  



  Re: Attempts to restrict Pipeline jobs from running on master result in job hanging   


 Greg Smith as designed in the current implementation. You will have to use a more complex Restriction _expression_ in order to allow such task classes (I've added Job Class Restriction for such purpose in 0.6). I would be happy if somebody contributes a better solution  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-33445) GitScmSource does not return tags via retrieve method

2017-02-14 Thread alast...@d-silva.org (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Alastair D'Silva commented on  JENKINS-33445  



  Re: GitScmSource does not return tags via retrieve method   


 A later optimisation requires https://github.com/jenkinsci/git-client-plugin/pull/234  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-33445) GitScmSource does not return tags via retrieve method

2017-02-14 Thread alast...@d-silva.org (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Alastair D'Silva commented on  JENKINS-33445  



  Re: GitScmSource does not return tags via retrieve method   


 Ping Mark Waite  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.1.7#71011-sha1:2526d7c)  





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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42048) Cannot Connect, PID NumberFormatException

2017-02-14 Thread lars.law...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Lars Lawoko created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42048  
  Cannot Connect, PID NumberFormatException   


Issue Type: 
 Ioannis Canellos  
 kubernetes-pipeline-plugin, workflow-api-plugin  
 2017/Feb/15 5:03 AM  
 Jenkins 2.32.2  
 Lars Lawoko  


 I tried to narrow this bug down, but there isn't much information. We just upgraded to all newest plugins, but unfortunately we upgraded a lot at once, so no idea which one.  This is spamming out logs every few seconds: 


00:19:42.695 Cannot contact kubernetes-ef39fe82c8a541be84bd780e4d7c1ddb-ce4d47fc96bfc: java.io.IOException: corrupted content in /home/jenkins/workspace/Robusta_robusta_develop-6EPNQBJK5BYEXOJV6L45MMZZGUIP7WO4Y6EGRUYNFFMRC7B2GL3A@tmp/durable-96fa79b7/pid: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
00:19:57.758 Cannot contact kubernetes-ef39fe82c8a541be84bd780e4d7c1ddb-ce4d47fc96bfc: java.io.IOException: corrupted content in /home/jenkins/workspace/Robusta_robusta_develop-6EPNQBJK5BYEXOJV6L45MMZZGUIP7WO4Y6EGRUYNFFMRC7B2GL3A@tmp/durable-96fa79b7/pid: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
00:20:12.769 Cannot contact kubernetes-ef39fe82c8a541be84bd780e4d7c1ddb-ce4d47fc96bfc: java.io.IOException: corrupted content in /home/jenkins/workspace/Robusta_robusta_develop-6EPNQBJK5BYEXOJV6L45MMZZGUIP7WO4Y6EGRUYNFFMRC7B2GL3A@tmp/durable-96fa79b7/pid: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""


[JIRA] (JENKINS-42020) branches to build specifier broken

2017-02-14 Thread mark.earl.wa...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Mark Waite edited a comment on  JENKINS-42020  



  Re: branches to build specifier broken   


 I attempted a variation on your bug report, creating a pipeline job on the master branch and a pipeline job on a branch named JENKINS-42020.  I configured both jobs to "Poll SCM" with no polling schedule set.  That allows them to honor the notifyCommit (which I believe is equivalent to the GitHub WebHook that you're using) but won't launch a job if there are no changes on the branch.Unfortunately, my test jobs don't show the problem.It would be a great help if you could provide a technique to duplicate the problem which does not require that I configure a Jenkins on the public internet, or that I configure a GitHub Enterprise installation.  Here are the steps you can use to recreate the environment I have configured: I'm unable to duplicate the problem you're reporting, either with a freestyle job, nor with a pipeline job.  The environment I'm using to duplicate the problem can be reconstructed with the following steps:# Clone, build, and run the docker instance{code}  $ git clone https://github.com/MarkEWaite/docker JENKINS-42020  $ cd JENKINS-42020  $ git checkout -b lts-with-plugins origin/lts-with-plugins  $ docker build -t jenkins:JENKINS-42020 .  $ # Copy jdk8 from Oracle to ~/public_html/jdk/jdk-8u121-linux-x64.tar.gz  $ # Copy ant-1.9.8 from Apache to ~/public_html/ant/apache-ant-1.9.8-bin.zip  $ docker run -i --rm \  --publish 8080:8080 \  --volume ~/public_html/:/var/jenkins_home/userContent/ \  jenkins:JENKINS-42020{code}# Connect a web browser to that docker instance (http://localhost:8080)# Open the "Bugs - Individual Checks" folder# Open the "JENKINS-42020-master" job# Click "Poll now" (simulate the web hook), confirm that the job builds (because it has not been built before)# Click "Poll now" (simulate the web hook again), confirm that the job *does not* build (already built)# Open the "JENKINS-42020-branch" job# Click "Poll now" (simulate the web hook), confirm that the job builds (because it has not been built before)# Click "Poll now" (simulate the web hook again), confirm that the job *does not* build (already built)I also checked it with a multi-branch pipeline job in that same Docker instance.  You can see the behavior in the pipeline job with the following steps:# Open the "Bugs - Pipeline Checks" folder# Open the "jenkins-bugs" pipeline job# Click the "Scan Multibranch Pipeline" link and "Run Now" to index branches for that repository# Confirm that a job is created and built for the "master" branch and all other branches# Wait 10-15 minutes, then Click the "Scan Multibranch Pipeline" link and "Run Now" to index branches again for that repository.  That will likely detect changes on one of the branches, since I usually have tests running somewhere that will commit to that repository# Confirm that the job named "master" did not rebuild, even though other jobs rebuilt due to changes in themAre there other details of your environment which I missed in my attempt to duplicate the problem?  




[JIRA] (JENKINS-42020) branches to build specifier broken

2017-02-14 Thread mark.earl.wa...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Mark Waite commented on  JENKINS-42020  



  Re: branches to build specifier broken   


 I attempted a variation on your bug report, creating a pipeline job on the master branch and a pipeline job on a branch named JENKINS-42020. I configured both jobs to "Poll SCM" with no polling schedule set. That allows them to honor the notifyCommit (which I believe is equivalent to the GitHub WebHook that you're using) but won't launch a job if there are no changes on the branch. Unfortunately, my test jobs don't show the problem. It would be a great help if you could provide a technique to duplicate the problem which does not require that I configure a Jenkins on the public internet, or that I configure a GitHub Enterprise installation. Here are the steps you can use to recreate the environment I have configured:  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41964) Editor needs to go into regular page with header

2017-02-14 Thread kzan...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Keith Zantow updated  JENKINS-41964  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41964  
  Editor needs to go into regular page with header   


Change By: 
 Keith Zantow  
 In Review Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41964) Editor needs to go into regular page with header

2017-02-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on  JENKINS-41964  



  Re: Editor needs to go into regular page with header   


 Code changed in jenkins User: Keith Zantow Path: pom.xml src/main/js/components/EditorPreview.jsx src/main/js/components/editor/EditorPage.jsx src/main/js/services/PipelineSyntaxConverter.js src/main/less/editor.less src/test/js/services/PipelineSyntaxConverter-spec.js http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/blueocean-pipeline-editor-plugin/c7290fa8e68d053c1b0170262d20f0ee2117cb5c Log: Stage sections not properly captured (#28) 
JENKINS-41964 show the normal header 
Bug capturing 'unknown' sections on stages 
decouple editor from aggregator 



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42047) Script security should whitelist equalsIgnoreCase

2017-02-14 Thread s...@samandems.nz (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sam Barker created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42047  
  Script security should whitelist equalsIgnoreCase   


Issue Type: 
 2017/Feb/15 4:09 AM  
 Sam Barker  


 Script security allows a few of the methods on java.lang.String I had a few builds fail with  

ERROR: Scripts not permitted to use method java.lang.String equalsIgnoreCase java.lang.String 

  when I used "string".equalsIgnoreCase(env.BRANCH_NAME).  Can method java.lang.String equalsIgnoreCase be added to the generic-whitelist?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41587) Multijob : Phase job blocks if MultiJob parent comes in the queue

2017-02-14 Thread mail.gauravjo...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Gaurav Joshi updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41587  
  Multijob : Phase job blocks if MultiJob parent comes in the queue   


Change By: 
 Gaurav Joshi  
 Critical Blocker  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42045) When presented with a tag, Pipeline Multibranch errors with "Could not determine exact tip revision of "

2017-02-14 Thread alast...@d-silva.org (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Alastair D'Silva commented on  JENKINS-42045  



  Re: When presented with a tag, Pipeline Multibranch errors with "Could not determine exact tip revision of "   


 Note that this works for the Multibranch Project plugin - this is a blocker for us migrating away from that (which seems less supported these days) and towards pipelines.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42020) branches to build specifier broken

2017-02-14 Thread mark.earl.wa...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Mark Waite assigned an issue to Unassigned  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42020  
  branches to build specifier broken   


Change By: 
 Mark Waite  
 Mark Waite  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40617) Handling unsupported inputs

2017-02-14 Thread bmacl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Brody Maclean edited a comment on  JENKINS-40617  



  Re: Handling unsupported inputs   


 https://zpl.io/21h9Aq !Input Form Unsupported.png|thumbnail!You could add a breakpoint <= 500px width for this design & > 500px previous single lined design. Just a (possibly bad) thought.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40617) Handling unsupported inputs

2017-02-14 Thread bmacl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Brody Maclean commented on  JENKINS-40617  



  Re: Handling unsupported inputs   





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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40617) Handling unsupported inputs

2017-02-14 Thread bmacl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Brody Maclean updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40617  
  Handling unsupported inputs   


Change By: 
 Brody Maclean  
 Input Form Unsupported.png  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41970) Configurable retention of runs

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41970  
  Configurable retention of runs


Change By: 
 James Dumay  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41970) Configurable retention of runs

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41970  
  Configurable retention of runs


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 Minor Major  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40241) Detemine parameters before running job

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40241  
  Detemine parameters before running job   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 Minor Major  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40241) Detemine parameters before running job

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40241  
  Detemine parameters before running job   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41962) Environment variable and Tools widget needs a better empty state

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41962  
  Environment variable and Tools widget needs a better empty state   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 Minor Major  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41965) Pipeline onboarding/walkthrough

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41965  
  Pipeline onboarding/walkthrough   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41970) Configurable retention of runs

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41970  
  Configurable retention of runs


Change By: 
 James Dumay  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41960) Developer can change the stage level configuration

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41960  
  Developer can change the stage level configuration   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 Minor Major  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40638) Undo not capturing values within steps properly

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40638  
  Undo not capturing values within steps properly   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 Minor Major  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41971) Support for parameters in editor

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41971  
  Support for parameters in editor   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 Minor Major  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41963) Developer can configure tools

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41963  
  Developer can configure tools   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 Minor Major  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41965) Pipeline onboarding/walkthrough

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41965  
  Pipeline onboarding/walkthrough   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 Major Minor  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40238) Enumerate and validate environment variables available to a given context in pipeline model

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40238  
  Enumerate and validate environment variables available to a given context in pipeline model   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 tethys,  release candidate,  pannonian  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41548) Unable to use double quotes and round trip with them

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41548  
  Unable to use double quotes and round trip with them   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 Minor Major  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41964) Editor needs to go into regular page with header

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41964  
  Editor needs to go into regular page with header   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 release candidate iapetus  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-28707) Jenkins is trying to queue an already running job

2017-02-14 Thread yuyoons...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Shoo Yoo Yoon commented on  JENKINS-28707  



  Re: Jenkins is trying to queue an already running job   


 I configure polling interval with 15 minutes. I'm working at . My company have a lot of Jenkins server. They are serviced for critical task. My Jenkins server is only for a small team. So I cannot use GIT Hook.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41947) PATH value is being overwritten in declarative pipeline syntax

2017-02-14 Thread nfalc...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Nikolas Falco started work on  JENKINS-41947  



Change By: 
 Nikolas Falco  
 Open In Progress  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40068) Dashboard view masks later commit failure with earlier commit success

2017-02-14 Thread i...@ivan.net.nz (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ivan Meredith resolved as Cannot Reproduce  



 matt lane I think this may have been already fixed. If you can confirm with latest release that would be appreciated.  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40068  
  Dashboard view masks later commit failure with earlier commit success   


Change By: 
 Ivan Meredith  
 In Progress Resolved  
 Cannot Reproduce  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38767) Header link on branch name should be moved to pipeline name

2017-02-14 Thread i...@ivan.net.nz (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ivan Meredith started work on  JENKINS-38767  



Change By: 
 Ivan Meredith  
 Open In Progress  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42020) branches to build specifier broken

2017-02-14 Thread lumc...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Neuronal T commented on  JENKINS-42020  



  Re: branches to build specifier broken   


 Ralph A, sorry to hear that. I'll also confirm that downgrading to Git Plugin 3.0.1 concluded with no change in brokenness (I also service-restarted Jenkins). In this case, for every branch I've created a job for a specific repo, there's a build being kicked off when I commit to a specific branch. Builds are kicked off for: 2.24.7 <-- change was committed here 2.30.1  master My team has another legacy cluster (Jenkins 1.625, Git Plugin 2.4.0) where this is not happening. Whether I keep or omit the refspec, change the branch-specifier to be accurate, etc., I can't, for the life of me, get the individual branch-job combination. Is there something I am missing, as far as setting up a filter for the github webhook? Should the payload be modified some how - I'm not sure how to do this with GitHub Plugin and the Git Webhook still does a push event, but doesn't filter what's in the payload without a post receive hook. I was really hoping to avoid going down this path..  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42006) REGRESSION: NPE when checking permissions - UserImpl.getPermission

2017-02-14 Thread vivek.pan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Vivek Pandey updated  JENKINS-42006  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42006  
  REGRESSION: NPE when checking permissions - UserImpl.getPermission   


Change By: 
 Vivek Pandey  
 In  Progress  Review  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41336) Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable

2017-02-14 Thread vivian.zh...@turn.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Vivian zhang commented on  JENKINS-41336  



  Re: Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable   


 That's how it's been working without this plugin, although I still like some of the features provided by this plugin.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41336) Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable

2017-02-14 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Kanstantsin Shautsou commented on  JENKINS-41336  



  Re: Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable   


 And how it will work behind nat then?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41336) Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable

2017-02-14 Thread vivian.zh...@turn.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Vivian zhang commented on  JENKINS-41336  



  Re: Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable   


 What I meant was this plugin should rely on Stash's post-commit webhook plugin for sending change notification to Jenkins, and trigger the build with poll scm option checked (no cron needed here). Looks like this place is to report Jenkins core bug, maybe I should file an issue report at the plugin's github site?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42046) Plugins are missing download link for current version

2017-02-14 Thread kevin.wil...@sf.frb.org (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Kevin Wilson created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42046  
  Plugins are missing download link for current version   


Issue Type: 
 2017/Feb/15 12:41 AM  
 plugins.jenkins.io web site  
 Kevin Wilson  


 There's no obvious way to download the current version of a plugin. I tried this on IE & Chrome. I have to visit the archives and download from there. That makes for twice the clicking, which makes manually downloading plugin updates that much more painful for those of us without an Internet connection for our Jenkins servers. Filed as a bug since the previous incarnation of the plugins site did have a direct link to the current version.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42000) GitHub organization job losing build history

2017-02-14 Thread benfort...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ben Fortuna edited a comment on  JENKINS-42000  



  Re: GitHub organization job losing build history   


 Awesome, thanks so much for the quick response. I'll confirm the fix once 2.0.6 is released. [~stephenconnolly] a slight issue with installing 2.0.6 - it appears to have a dependency on scm-api 2.0.4, but the latest release is 2.0.3.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42006) REGRESSION: NPE when checking permissions - UserImpl.getPermission

2017-02-14 Thread vivek.pan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Vivek Pandey commented on  JENKINS-42006  



  Re: REGRESSION: NPE when checking permissions - UserImpl.getPermission   


 Opened PR on github-oauth plugin https://github.com/jenkinsci/github-oauth-plugin/pull/76.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42045) When presented with a tag, Pipeline Multibranch errors with "Could not determine exact tip revision of "

2017-02-14 Thread alast...@d-silva.org (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Alastair D'Silva created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42045  
  When presented with a tag, Pipeline Multibranch errors with "Could not determine exact tip revision of "   


Issue Type: 
 Stephen Connolly  
 2017/Feb/15 12:21 AM  
 Jenkins 2.45  Pipeline Multibranch 2.12  Git 3.0.6-SNAPSHOT (with patches for tags)  Git Client 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT (with patches for tags)   
 git tag pipeline multibranch  
 Alastair D'Silva  


 When presented with a tag instead of a branch, Pipeline Multibranch errors the pipeline with: "Could not determine exact tip revision of " The following PRs are required to reproduce: https://github.com/jenkinsci/git-plugin/pull/407 https://github.com/jenkinsci/git-client-plugin/pull/234 To reproduce: Enable "Show tags in SCMSource" in the "Git Plugin" global config Create a multibranch pipeline pointing at a git repo with tags Run the pipeline for a tag  



[JIRA] (JENKINS-41336) Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable

2017-02-14 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Kanstantsin Shautsou commented on  JENKINS-41336  



  Re: Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable   


 That's jenkins design - all Triggers inherit cron functionality, but it can be simply skipped.   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41336) Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable

2017-02-14 Thread vivian.zh...@turn.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Vivian zhang commented on  JENKINS-41336  



  Re: Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable   


 I'm surprised that the plugin requires cron to be set up for the job, which is very inefficient to go through all the open PRs every time. It should try to use the branch info provided by Stash post-commit hook instead.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40621) MavenEmbedderUtils#getMavenVersion() leaks file descriptors

2017-02-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on  JENKINS-40621  



  Re: MavenEmbedderUtils#getMavenVersion() leaks file descriptors   


 Code changed in jenkins User: Arnaud Heritier Path: pom.xml http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/maven-plugin/7ef3eb4a21bf59d9f772c2bc94731cf1e685740a Log: Merge pull request #91 from oleg-nenashev/lib-maven-embedder-update [JENKINS-40621, JENKINS-38736] Update lib-jenkins-maven-embedder to 3.12 Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/maven-plugin/compare/c25bc30c29b5...7ef3eb4a21bf  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38736) update guice to release version

2017-02-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on  JENKINS-38736  



  Re: update guice to release version   


 Code changed in jenkins User: Arnaud Heritier Path: pom.xml http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/maven-plugin/7ef3eb4a21bf59d9f772c2bc94731cf1e685740a Log: Merge pull request #91 from oleg-nenashev/lib-maven-embedder-update [JENKINS-40621, JENKINS-38736] Update lib-jenkins-maven-embedder to 3.12 Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/maven-plugin/compare/c25bc30c29b5...7ef3eb4a21bf  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40621) MavenEmbedderUtils#getMavenVersion() leaks file descriptors

2017-02-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on  JENKINS-40621  



  Re: MavenEmbedderUtils#getMavenVersion() leaks file descriptors   


 Code changed in jenkins User: Oleg Nenashev Path: pom.xml http://jenkins-ci.org/commit/maven-plugin/5a1c1f61483fcfd4ebe09daae09f00963b169d6a Log: JENKINS-40621 Update lib-jenkins-maven-embedder to 3.12  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42044) Cannot use containerTemplate image from private registry

2017-02-14 Thread perr...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Pablo Ramirez created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42044  
  Cannot use containerTemplate image from private registry   


Issue Type: 
 Carlos Sanchez  
 2017/Feb/14 11:27 PM  
 * Operating System: CentOS Linux 7, 3.10.0-327, x86_64  * JRE/JDK: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b27)  * Jenkins version: 2.46 (via rpm)  * kubernetes-plugin version: 0.10
 Pablo Ramirez  


 Kubernetes plugin is not able to create the podTemplate with containers requiring images from a private repository. 

  FirstSeen	LastSeen	Count	From			SubObjectPath			Type		Reason		Message
  -		-				-				--		---
  40s		40s		1	{default-scheduler }	Normal		Scheduled	Successfully assigned kubernetes-68697b8f053a4aa2b8aad45e23033f1b-a3d7dd6a1f3cb to
  36s		36s		1	{kubelet}	spec.containers{maven}	Normal		Pulling		pulling image "docker.mycompany.cl/maven:latest"
  36s		36s		1	{kubelet}	spec.containers{maven}	Warning		Failed		Failed to pull image "docker.mycompany.cl/maven:latest": Error: image maven:latest not found
  36s		36s		1	{kubelet}	spec.containers{jnlp}		Normal		Pulling		pulling image "jenkinsci/jnlp-slave:alpine"

 This happens even if the image docker.mycompany.cl/maven:latest is available locally in the node  

[JIRA] (JENKINS-42041) As a user I want to be able to use Template Variables in Jenkins to pick a specific Release Number in BuildMaster

2017-02-14 Thread jstarb...@scisolutions.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jon Starbird closed an issue as Won't Do  



 This is covered by being able to select the Release in the Trigger Build function as you can bypass the value picked up from the Select Application Function.  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42041  
  As a user I want to be able to use Template Variables in Jenkins to pick a specific Release Number in BuildMaster   


Change By: 
 Jon Starbird  
 Open Closed  
 Won't Do  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41867) Scanning MultiBranchProject fails with IllegalStateException

2017-02-14 Thread alast...@d-silva.org (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Alastair D'Silva commented on  JENKINS-41867  



  Re: Scanning MultiBranchProject fails with IllegalStateException   


 Thanks for the quick response Stephen Connolly, that patch fixes the problem for me. Note that it also depends on Branch API 2.0.5, so anyone who wants to pick up the test build will also need to build Branch API from git.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38323) Developer can drag and drop to reorder steps within a stage

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-38323  
  Developer can drag and drop to reorder steps within a stage   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 pacific, atlantic, 1.0-b05/b-06, tasman, frank,  post- release  candidate  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38589) User can drag steps between step lists

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-38589  
  User can drag steps between step lists   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 post- release  candidate  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41963) Developer can configure tools

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41963  
  Developer can configure tools   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 post-release panthalassa  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41960) Developer can change the stage level configuration

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41960  
  Developer can change the stage level configuration   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 post- release  candidate  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41548) Unable to use double quotes and round trip with them

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41548  
  Unable to use double quotes and round trip with them   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 release candidate panthalassa  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41806) Error 500 rest call for Item

2017-02-14 Thread vivek.pan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Vivek Pandey edited a comment on  JENKINS-41806  



  Re: Error 500 rest call for Item   


 [~jamesdumay]  - I thought that too but I think it should have been handled. Result is  CustomExportedBean and hudson.model.Result.toExportedObject() return String, that should have been handled by stapler. I think fix should be in Model where it checks for ExportedBean annotation, it should also check if its CustomExportedBean. I will raise a ticket on Stapler. - I think easier fix is for BuildResult.getResult() to return String, that is result.toExportedObject(). I will submit a patch.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41611) Pipeline Editor Node Designs

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41611  
  Pipeline Editor Node Designs   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 release candidate,  pannonian , panthalassa  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40638) Undo not capturing values within steps properly

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40638  
  Undo not capturing values within steps properly   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 tethys,  release candidate,  christmas, pannonian , panthalassa  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41963) Developer can configure tools

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41963  
  Developer can configure tools   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 panthalassa release candidate  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41964) Editor needs to go into regular page with header

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41964  
  Editor needs to go into regular page with header   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 post- release  candidate  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41361) Copy icon on the Load/save screen

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41361  
  Copy icon on the Load/save screen   


Change By: 
 James Dumay  
 release candidate panthalassa  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41806) Error 500 rest call for Item

2017-02-14 Thread vivek.pan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Vivek Pandey commented on  JENKINS-41806  



  Re: Error 500 rest call for Item   


 PR on stapler https://github.com/stapler/stapler/pull/107  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41336) Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable

2017-02-14 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Kanstantsin Shautsou commented on  JENKINS-41336  



  Re: Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable   


 Right or stop calling from cron if it has configured hooks, depends on plugin design.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42043) A NPE in SlaveComputer.setNode shouldn't prevent Jenkins from starting

2017-02-14 Thread bat...@batmat.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Baptiste Mathus created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42043  
  A NPE in SlaveComputer.setNode shouldn't prevent Jenkins from starting   


Issue Type: 
 2017/Feb/14 11:05 PM  
 Baptiste Mathus  


 Currently, an exception thrown in SlaveComputer.setNode() prevents Jenkins from starting (JENKINS-38389). It would be nice to catch RuntimeException there for robustness, as advised by Jesse Glick there.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38389) jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin

2017-02-14 Thread bat...@batmat.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Baptiste Mathus assigned an issue to Francis Upton  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-38389  
  jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin   


Change By: 
 Baptiste Mathus  
 Baptiste Mathus Francis Upton  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41686) Regression: Duration on Activity is not bound to the actual duration

2017-02-14 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 James Dumay commented on  JENKINS-41686  



  Re: Regression: Duration on Activity is not bound to the actual duration   


 Can't reproduce that on master - someone must have fixed it?  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42039) Add a Declarative option for "treat unstable as failure"

2017-02-14 Thread andrew.ba...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrew Bayer commented on  JENKINS-42039  



  Re: Add a Declarative option for "treat unstable as failure"   


 Initial PR up at https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-model-definition-plugin/pull/115  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42039) Add a Declarative option for "treat unstable as failure"

2017-02-14 Thread andrew.ba...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrew Bayer updated  JENKINS-42039  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42039  
  Add a Declarative option for "treat unstable as failure"   


Change By: 
 Andrew Bayer  
 In  Progress  Review  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42042) Ant glob syntax for upload

2017-02-14 Thread br...@ubersolucoes.com.br (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Bruno Palermo created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42042  
  Ant glob syntax for upload   


Issue Type: 
  New Feature  
 Thorsten Hoeger  
 2017/Feb/14 10:57 PM  
 Bruno Palermo  


 Would be nice to support Ant Glob syntax and allow recursive uploads  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42041) As a user I want to be able to use Template Variables in Jenkins to pick a specific Release Number in BuildMaster

2017-02-14 Thread jstarb...@scisolutions.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jon Starbird created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42041  
  As a user I want to be able to use Template Variables in Jenkins to pick a specific Release Number in BuildMaster   


Issue Type: 
  New Feature  
 Andrew Sumner  
 2017/Feb/14 10:51 PM  
 Jenkins 2.32.2  BuildMaster Plugin 1.6  BuildMaster 5.6.7  
 Jon Starbird  


 I want to be able to use Jenkins Template variables to pre-set the Release Number based on variables in Jenkins so that you do not have to change multiple entries in the event of multiple active releases in BuildMaster.  Using the Template variables allows you to change either a property value or a passed in value to the Jenkins job that can then be used as the Release Number or if you have unique version strings, as we do, this allows you to use those to select the Release Number without having to edit the settings for the Plugin.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41336) Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable

2017-02-14 Thread aherit...@apache.org (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Arnaud Héritier commented on  JENKINS-41336  



  Re: Cron based jobs are triggered at random times and also at the time Stash is unavailable   


 Kanstantsin Shautsou the behavior is that all cron based jobs aren't executed when they are supposed to do it because Triggers are busy to interact with stash The thread is showing something like this (thanks Daniel Beck) 


at stashpullrequestbuilder.stashpullrequestbuilder.stash.StashApiClient.getRequest(StashApiClient.java:254)
at stashpullrequestbuilder.stashpullrequestbuilder.stash.StashApiClient.getPullRequestMergeStatus(StashApiClient.java:150)
at stashpullrequestbuilder.stashpullrequestbuilder.StashRepository.isPullRequestMergable(StashRepository.java:209)
at stashpullrequestbuilder.stashpullrequestbuilder.StashRepository.isBuildTarget(StashRepository.java:261)
at stashpullrequestbuilder.stashpullrequestbuilder.StashRepository.getTargetPullRequests(StashRepository.java:75)
at stashpullrequestbuilder.stashpullrequestbuilder.StashPullRequestsBuilder.run(StashPullRequestsBuilder.java:32)
at stashpullrequestbuilder.stashpullrequestbuilder.StashBuildTrigger.run(StashBuildTrigger.java:299)
at hudson.triggers.Trigger.checkTriggers(Trigger.java:273)
at hudson.triggers.Trigger$Cron.doRun(Trigger.java:222)

 Trigger.checkTriggers should only call tasks which are immediate. These ones could start in another thread a longer process to really trigger the job or not. Here the StashBuildTrigger.run does too much stuffs and is quickly blocked or creates a lot of delay if the Stash isn't available or doesn't reply quickly (which is never the case). This bug makes this plugin not usable and the only solution is to deactivate/uninstall it for now.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42020) branches to build specifier broken

2017-02-14 Thread ralphi...@live.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ralph A commented on  JENKINS-42020  



  Re: branches to build specifier broken   


 In fact, I did Neuronal T. I downgraded to 3.0.1 (even though 1 plugin complained) and it still didn't work. Either I had a much lower Git plugin before Friday or the plugins I upgraded together with Git are the root cause. But I like I mentioned, I didn't pay attention to the plugins I've upgraded... I tagged this bug as Git because the feature itself shows that it is from Git; it's highly probable that another plugin working in conjunction with Git is causing the issue.   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42040) Rundetails duration counter is not reset on rerun

2017-02-14 Thread i...@ivan.net.nz (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ivan Meredith created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42040  
  Rundetails duration counter is not reset on rerun   


Issue Type: 
 2017/Feb/14 10:42 PM  
 Ivan Meredith  


Create a job that sleeps for 10seconds. 
Run it. 
Go to the Rundatils page for that run. 
Hit re-run. 
Duration will start counting from 10seconds. 



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40755) Settings link appears when user does not have edit permissions

2017-02-14 Thread tom.fenne...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Tom FENNELLY commented on  JENKINS-40755  



  Re: Settings link appears when user does not have edit permissions   





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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40755) Settings link appears when user does not have edit permissions

2017-02-14 Thread tom.fenne...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Tom FENNELLY updated  JENKINS-40755  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40755  
  Settings link appears when user does not have edit permissions   


Change By: 
 In  Progress  Review  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40068) Dashboard view masks later commit failure with earlier commit success

2017-02-14 Thread i...@ivan.net.nz (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ivan Meredith started work on  JENKINS-40068  



Change By: 
 Ivan Meredith  
 Open In Progress  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38389) jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin

2017-02-14 Thread bat...@batmat.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Baptiste Mathus commented on  JENKINS-38389  



  Re: jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin   


 Added core component for now after Jesse Glick advice that we should at least fix core to forbid a failure in setNode to prevent Jenkins to start.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42006) REGRESSION: NPE when checking permissions - UserImpl.getPermission

2017-02-14 Thread mne...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Michael Neale commented on  JENKINS-42006  



  Re: REGRESSION: NPE when checking permissions - UserImpl.getPermission   


 Vivek Pandey yes removing it sounds like the reasonable and conservative approach, but I am not sure I have the full picture.   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41686) Regression: Duration on Activity is not bound to the actual duration

2017-02-14 Thread i...@ivan.net.nz (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ivan Meredith resolved as Cannot Reproduce  



 This works fine as far as I can tell.  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41686  
  Regression: Duration on Activity is not bound to the actual duration   


Change By: 
 Ivan Meredith  
 In Progress Resolved  
 Cannot Reproduce  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42020) branches to build specifier broken

2017-02-14 Thread lumc...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Neuronal T commented on  JENKINS-42020  



  Re: branches to build specifier broken   


 Thanks for your insight, Ralph A. Did you try downgrading Git Plugin to 3.0.1 and retry? I'm thinking to stepwise/trial-and-error downgrade plugin versions until this works..  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38389) jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin

2017-02-14 Thread bat...@batmat.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Baptiste Mathus edited a comment on  JENKINS-38389  



  Re: jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin   


 FTR, recent stack trace with ec2-plugin 1. 36 35 :{noformat}hudson.util.HudsonFailedToLoad: java.lang.NullPointerException at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:248)Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud.createCredentialsProvider(EC2Cloud.java:599) at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud.createCredentialsProvider(EC2Cloud.java:584) at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud.connect(EC2Cloud.java:620) at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer._describeInstanceOnce(EC2Computer.java:166) at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer._describeInstance(EC2Computer.java:149) at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer.describeInstance(EC2Computer.java:107) at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer.getUptime(EC2Computer.java:133) at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.internalCheck(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:104) at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.check(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:85) at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.check(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:43) at hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer$4.run(SlaveComputer.java:725) at hudson.model.Queue._withLock(Queue.java:1309) at hudson.model.Queue.withLock(Queue.java:1186) at hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer.setNode(SlaveComputer.java:722) at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase.updateComputer(AbstractCIBase.java:118) at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase.access$000(AbstractCIBase.java:44) at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase$2.run(AbstractCIBase.java:186) at hudson.model.Queue._withLock(Queue.java:1309) at hudson.model.Queue.withLock(Queue.java:1186) at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase.updateComputerList(AbstractCIBase.java:169) at jenkins.model.Jenkins.updateComputerList(Jenkins.java:1567) at jenkins.model.Jenkins.(Jenkins.java:968) at hudson.model.Hudson.(Hudson.java:85) at hudson.model.Hudson.(Hudson.java:81) at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:231){noformat}  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38389) jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin

2017-02-14 Thread bat...@batmat.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Baptiste Mathus commented on  JENKINS-38389  



  Re: jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin   


 FTR, recent stack trace with ec2-plugin 1.36: 

hudson.util.HudsonFailedToLoad: java.lang.NullPointerException
	at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:248)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud.createCredentialsProvider(EC2Cloud.java:599)
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud.createCredentialsProvider(EC2Cloud.java:584)
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud.connect(EC2Cloud.java:620)
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer._describeInstanceOnce(EC2Computer.java:166)
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer._describeInstance(EC2Computer.java:149)
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer.describeInstance(EC2Computer.java:107)
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer.getUptime(EC2Computer.java:133)
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.internalCheck(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:104)
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.check(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:85)
	at hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2RetentionStrategy.check(EC2RetentionStrategy.java:43)
	at hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer$4.run(SlaveComputer.java:725)
	at hudson.model.Queue._withLock(Queue.java:1309)
	at hudson.model.Queue.withLock(Queue.java:1186)
	at hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer.setNode(SlaveComputer.java:722)
	at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase.updateComputer(AbstractCIBase.java:118)
	at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase.access$000(AbstractCIBase.java:44)
	at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase$2.run(AbstractCIBase.java:186)
	at hudson.model.Queue._withLock(Queue.java:1309)
	at hudson.model.Queue.withLock(Queue.java:1186)
	at hudson.model.AbstractCIBase.updateComputerList(AbstractCIBase.java:169)
	at jenkins.model.Jenkins.updateComputerList(Jenkins.java:1567)
	at jenkins.model.Jenkins.(Jenkins.java:968)
	at hudson.model.Hudson.(Hudson.java:85)
	at hudson.model.Hudson.(Hudson.java:81)
	at hudson.WebAppMain$3.run(WebAppMain.java:231)




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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38389) jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin

2017-02-14 Thread bat...@batmat.net (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Baptiste Mathus updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-38389  
  jenkins restart fails after installing ec2 plugin   


Change By: 
 Baptiste Mathus  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42039) Add a Declarative option for "treat unstable as failure"

2017-02-14 Thread andrew.ba...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrew Bayer started work on  JENKINS-42039  



Change By: 
 Andrew Bayer  
 Open In Progress  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42000) GitHub organization job losing build history

2017-02-14 Thread benfort...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Ben Fortuna commented on  JENKINS-42000  



  Re: GitHub organization job losing build history   


 Awesome, thanks so much for the quick response. I'll confirm the fix once 2.0.6 is released.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-42039) Add a Declarative option for "treat unstable as failure"

2017-02-14 Thread andrew.ba...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrew Bayer created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-42039  
  Add a Declarative option for "treat unstable as failure"   


Issue Type: 
  New Feature  
 Andrew Bayer  
 2017/Feb/14 10:25 PM  
 Andrew Bayer  


 This is related to JENKINS-41943 - I think it'd make sense to have an option that says "If a stage makes the build unstable, skip any subsequent stages the same as we would if they failed". This'll probably end up needing some Blue Ocean visualization work to have a different way of visualizing "skipped due to unstable" rather than "skipped due to failure", but that can wait.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41607) Declarative: agent dockerfile fails when agent inside stage

2017-02-14 Thread andrew.ba...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrew Bayer resolved as Duplicate  



 This is effectively a symptom of JENKINS-41605, so closing this.  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41607  
  Declarative: agent dockerfile fails when agent inside stage   


Change By: 
 Andrew Bayer  
 In Progress Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41605) Declarative: agent inside stage does not do automatic checkout scm

2017-02-14 Thread andrew.ba...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrew Bayer commented on  JENKINS-41605  



  Re: Declarative: agent inside stage does not do automatic checkout scm


 Added to the existing related PR https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-model-definition-plugin/pull/109  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-41605) Declarative: agent inside stage does not do automatic checkout scm

2017-02-14 Thread andrew.ba...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrew Bayer updated  JENKINS-41605  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-41605  
  Declarative: agent inside stage does not do automatic checkout scm


Change By: 
 Andrew Bayer  
 In  Progress  Review  



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