[JIRA] (JENKINS-38397) Regarding aws device farm error

2016-09-20 Thread sanyasirao.mop...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sanyasirao Mopada created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-38397  
  Regarding aws device farm error   


Issue Type: 
 Daniel Spilker  
 2016/Sep/21 4:28 AM  
 Sanyasirao Mopada  


 publishers { archiveArtifacts { // If set, does not fail the build if archiving returns nothing. allowEmpty(true) // Uses default excludes. defaultExcludes(true) // Specifies files that will not be archived. exclude(null) // Fingerprints all archived artifacts. fingerprint(false) // Archives artifacts only if the build is successful. onlyIfSuccessful(false) // Specifies the files to archive. pattern(archiveArtifactPattern) } androidApkUpload { // Specifies filenames or patterns matching one or more APKs that should be uploaded to Google Play. apkFilesPattern(googlePlayApkPattern) // Specifies filenames or patterns matching zero or more expansion files that should be associated with the APK files being uploaded to Google Play. expansionFilesPattern(null) googleCredentialsId(googlePlayCredentialId) // You can optionally apply "What's new" text to the uploaded APK(s), in order to inform your user of changes contained in the new app version. recentChangeList{} // The percentage of existing production users to which the uploaded APK(s) should be rolled out. rolloutPercentage(null) // The release track to which the given APK file(s) will be assigned. trackName(googlePlayReleaseTrack) usePreviousExpansionFilesIfMissing(false) } awsDeviceFarmRecorder { projectName('BoilerPlate') devicePoolName('Test') appArtifact('example') runName('$ {BUILD_TAG} ') testToRun('example') storeResults(true) isRunUnmetered(true) eventCount('example') eventThrottle('example') seed('example') username('example') password('example') appiumJavaJUnitTest('example') appiumJavaTestNGTest('example') appiumPythonTest('example') calabashFeatures('example') calabashTags('example') calabashProfile('example') junitArtifact('example') 

[JIRA] (JENKINS-38351) Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin

2016-09-20 Thread sanyasirao.mop...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sanyasirao Mopada edited a comment on  JENKINS-38351  



  Re: Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin   


 {{ freeStyleJob(projectName) {  scm {git {  remote {url(gitUrl)credentials(gitCredentialsId)  }  extensions {submoduleOption {  // By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules completely as if they didn't exist.  disableSubmodules(false)  // Retrieve all submodules recursively (uses '--recursive' option which requires git>=1.6.5)  recursiveSubmodules(true)  // Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules (Uses '--remote' option which requires git>=1.8.2)  trackingSubmodules(true)  // Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.  reference(null)  // Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.  timeout(subModuleTimeOut)  // Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.  parentCredentials(false)}  }}  }  triggers {bitbucketPush()  }  steps{shell(readFileFromWorkspace('shellScript.sh'))  }  publishers {archiveArtifacts {  // If set, does not fail the build if archiving returns nothing.  allowEmpty(true)  // Uses default excludes.  defaultExcludes(true)  // Specifies files that will not be archived.  exclude(null)  // Fingerprints all archived artifacts.  fingerprint(false)  // Archives artifacts only if the build is successful.  onlyIfSuccessful(false)  // Specifies the files to archive.  pattern(archiveArtifactPattern)} androidApkUpload {  // Specifies filenames or patterns matching one or more APKs that should be uploaded to Google Play.  apkFilesPattern(googlePlayApkPattern)  // Specifies filenames or patterns matching zero or more expansion files that should be associated with the APK files being uploaded to Google Play.  expansionFilesPattern(null)  googleCredentialsId(googlePlayCredentialId)  // You can optionally apply "What's new" text to the uploaded APK(s), in order to inform your user of changes contained in the new app version.  recentChangeList{}  // The percentage of existing production users to which the uploaded APK(s) should be rolled out.  rolloutPercentage(null)  // The release track to which the given APK file(s) will be assigned.  trackName(googlePlayReleaseTrack)  usePreviousExpansionFilesIfMissing(false)}awsDeviceFarmRecorder {  projectName('BoilerPlate')  devicePoolName('Test')  appArtifact('example')  runName('${BUILD_TAG}')  testToRun('example')  storeResults(true)  isRunUnmetered(true)  eventCount('example')  eventThrottle('example')  seed('example')  username('example')  password('example')  appiumJavaJUnitTest('example')  appiumJavaTestNGTest('example')  appiumPythonTest('example')  calabashFeatures('example')  calabashTags('example')  calabashProfile('example')  junitArtifact('example')  junitFilter('example')  uiautomatorArtifact('example')  uiautomatorFilter('example')  uiautomationArtifact('example')  xctestArtifact('example')  xctestUiArtifact('example')  ignoreRunError(true)}mailer(emailList, false, true)  }  wrappers {maskPasswords()artifactoryMaven3NativeConfigurator {  details {artifactoryName(mavenArtifactoryName)artifactoryUrl(mavenArtifactoryUrl)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-38351) Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin

2016-09-20 Thread sanyasirao.mop...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sanyasirao Mopada edited a comment on  JENKINS-38351  



  Re: Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin   


 {{ freeStyleJob(projectName) {  scm {git {  remote {url(gitUrl)credentials(gitCredentialsId)  }  extensions {submoduleOption {  // By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules completely as if they didn't exist.  disableSubmodules(false)  // Retrieve all submodules recursively (uses '--recursive' option which requires git>=1.6.5)  recursiveSubmodules(true)  // Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules (Uses '--remote' option which requires git>=1.8.2)  trackingSubmodules(true)  // Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations.  reference(null)  // Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations.  timeout(subModuleTimeOut)  // Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project.  parentCredentials(false)}  }}  }  triggers {bitbucketPush()  }  steps{shell(readFileFromWorkspace('shellScript.sh'))  }  publishers {archiveArtifacts {  // If set, does not fail the build if archiving returns nothing.  allowEmpty(true)  // Uses default excludes.  defaultExcludes(true)  // Specifies files that will not be archived.  exclude(null)  // Fingerprints all archived artifacts.  fingerprint(false)  // Archives artifacts only if the build is successful.  onlyIfSuccessful(false)  // Specifies the files to archive.  pattern(archiveArtifactPattern)} androidApkUpload {  // Specifies filenames or patterns matching one or more APKs that should be uploaded to Google Play.  apkFilesPattern(googlePlayApkPattern)  // Specifies filenames or patterns matching zero or more expansion files that should be associated with the APK files being uploaded to Google Play.  expansionFilesPattern(null)  googleCredentialsId(googlePlayCredentialId)  // You can optionally apply "What's new" text to the uploaded APK(s), in order to inform your user of changes contained in the new app version.  recentChangeList{}  // The percentage of existing production users to which the uploaded APK(s) should be rolled out.  rolloutPercentage(null)  // The release track to which the given APK file(s) will be assigned.  trackName(googlePlayReleaseTrack)  usePreviousExpansionFilesIfMissing(false)}awsDeviceFarmRecorder {  projectName('BoilerPlate')  devicePoolName('Test')  appArtifact('example')  runName('${BUILD_TAG}')  testToRun('example')  storeResults(true)  isRunUnmetered(true)  eventCount('example')  eventThrottle('example')  seed('example')  username('example')  password('example')  appiumJavaJUnitTest('example')  appiumJavaTestNGTest('example')  appiumPythonTest('example')  calabashFeatures('example')  calabashTags('example')  calabashProfile('example')  junitArtifact('example')  junitFilter('example')  uiautomatorArtifact('example')  uiautomatorFilter('example')  uiautomationArtifact('example')  xctestArtifact('example')  xctestUiArtifact('example')  ignoreRunError(true)}mailer(emailList, false, true)  }  wrappers {maskPasswords()artifactoryMaven3NativeConfigurator {  details {artifactoryName(mavenArtifactoryName)artifactoryUrl(mavenArtifactoryUrl)

[JIRA] (JENKINS-38351) Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin

2016-09-20 Thread sanyasirao.mop...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sanyasirao Mopada commented on  JENKINS-38351  



  Re: Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin   


 freeStyleJob(projectName) { scm { git { remote  { url(gitUrl) credentials(gitCredentialsId) }  extensions { submoduleOption  { // By disabling support for submodules you can still keep using basic git plugin functionality and just have Jenkins to ignore submodules completely as if they didn't exist. disableSubmodules(false) // Retrieve all submodules recursively (uses '--recursive' option which requires git>=1.6.5) recursiveSubmodules(true) // Retrieve the tip of the configured branch in .gitmodules (Uses '--remote' option which requires git>=1.8.2) trackingSubmodules(true) // Specify a folder containing a repository that will be used by Git as a reference during clone operations. reference(null) // Specify a timeout (in minutes) for submodules operations. timeout(subModuleTimeOut) // Use credentials from the default remote of the parent project. parentCredentials(false) }  } } } triggers  { bitbucketPush() }  steps { shell(readFileFromWorkspace('shellScript.sh')) }  publishers { archiveArtifacts  { // If set, does not fail the build if archiving returns nothing. allowEmpty(true) // Uses default excludes. defaultExcludes(true) // Specifies files that will not be archived. exclude(null) // Fingerprints all archived artifacts. fingerprint(false) // Archives artifacts only if the build is successful. onlyIfSuccessful(false) // Specifies the files to archive. pattern(archiveArtifactPattern) }   androidApkUpload { // Specifies filenames or patterns matching one or more APKs that should be uploaded to Google Play. apkFilesPattern(googlePlayApkPattern) // Specifies filenames or patterns matching zero or more expansion files that should be associated with the APK files being uploaded to Google Play. expansionFilesPattern(null) googleCredentialsId(googlePlayCredentialId) // You can optionally apply "What's new" text to the uploaded APK(s), in order to inform your user of changes contained in the new app version. recentChangeList{} // The percentage of existing production users to which the uploaded APK(s) should be rolled out. rolloutPercentage(null) // The release track to which the given APK file(s) will be assigned. trackName(googlePlayReleaseTrack) usePreviousExpansionFilesIfMissing(false) } awsDeviceFarmRecorder { projectName('BoilerPlate') devicePoolName('Test') appArtifact('example') runName('$ {BUILD_TAG} ') testToRun('example') storeResults(true) isRunUnmetered(true) eventCount('example') eventThrottle('example') seed('example') username('example') password('example') appiumJavaJUnitTest('example') appiumJavaTestNGTest('example') appiumPythonTest('example') calabashFeatures('example') calabashTags('example') calabashProfile('example') junitArtifact('example') junitFilter('example') uiautomatorArtifact('example') uiautomatorFilter('example') uiautomationArtifact('example') xctestArtifact('example') xctestUiArtifact('example') ignoreRunError(true) } mailer(emailList, false, true) } wrappers { maskPasswords() artifactoryMaven3NativeConfigurator { details { artifactoryName(mavenArtifactoryName) artifactoryUrl(mavenArtifactoryUrl) deployReleaseRepository { keyFromText(mavenArtifactoryTargetRelease) keyFromSelect(mavenArtifactoryTargetRelease) dynamicMode(true) } deploySnapshotRepository{ keyFromText(mavenArtifactoryTargetSnapshot) keyFromSelect(mavenArtifactoryTargetSnapshot) dynamicMode(true) } resolveReleaseRepository { keyFromText(mavenArtifactoryTargetRelease) keyFromSelect(mavenArtifactoryTargetRelease) dynamicMode(true) }  resolveSnapshotRepository  { keyFromText(mavenArtifactoryTargetSnapshot) 

[JIRA] (JENKINS-38351) Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin

2016-09-20 Thread sanyasirao.mop...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sanyasirao Mopada updated  JENKINS-38351  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-38351  
  Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin   


Change By: 
 Sanyasirao Mopada  
 Resolved In Review  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.1.7#71011-sha1:2526d7c)  





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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38351) Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin

2016-09-19 Thread sanyasirao.mop...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sanyasirao Mopada created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-38351  
  Add job DSL script support for aws device farm plugin   


Issue Type: 
 Daniel Spilker  
 2016/Sep/19 4:59 PM  
 Sanyasirao Mopada  


 I'm unable to find script to configure aws device farm plugin job-dsl groovy script? I spent time to search them. I'm unable to find. Am I missing something? If not please add support for it  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38349) Add DSL support for Google Play Android Publisher Plugin

2016-09-19 Thread sanyasirao.mop...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sanyasirao Mopada updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-38349  
  Add DSL support for Google Play Android Publisher Plugin   


Change By: 
 Sanyasirao Mopada  
 Minor Blocker  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.1.7#71011-sha1:2526d7c)  





You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Issues" group.
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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38349) Add DSL support for Google Play Android Publisher Plugin

2016-09-19 Thread sanyasirao.mop...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sanyasirao Mopada commented on  JENKINS-38349  



  Re: Add DSL support for Google Play Android Publisher Plugin   


 Sorry for that, This is my first issue. I don't know about that.  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.1.7#71011-sha1:2526d7c)  





You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Issues" group.
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[JIRA] (JENKINS-38349) add support for dsl script for aws device farm plugin, google play android publisher plugin configurations?

2016-09-19 Thread sanyasirao.mop...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sanyasirao Mopada created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-38349  
  add support for dsl script for aws device farm plugin, google play android publisher plugin configurations?   


Issue Type: 
 Christopher Orr  
 google-play-android-publisher-plugin, job-dsl-plugin  
 2016/Sep/19 4:46 PM  
 Sanyasirao Mopada  


 I'm unable to find script to configure aws device farm plugin , google play services using job-dsl groovy script? I spent time to search them. I'm unable to find. Am I missing something? If not please add support for it  



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