[JIRA] (JENKINS-56758) Varargs not supported in shared pipeline method signatures

2019-04-19 Thread jerrywil...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 jerry wiltse edited a comment on  JENKINS-56758  



  Re: Varargs not supported in shared pipeline method signatures   


 I just spent a few hours figuring out the same thing.  This one was tricky to diagnose.  Of note, I found a different workaround.  You can keep the varargs signature if the caller forces the args to be an ArrayList with brackets. So, in your example, caller can do this: {code:java}testUtils("${s}", ["${t1}", "${t2}"]){code} Or caller can just create a regular string.  Both of the workarounds have undesired side-effects IMO. Hope it get fixed properly.   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-56758) Varargs not supported in shared pipeline method signatures

2019-04-19 Thread jerrywil...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 jerry wiltse commented on  JENKINS-56758  



  Re: Varargs not supported in shared pipeline method signatures   


 I just spent a few hours figuring out the same thing.  This one was tricky to diagnose.  Of note, I found a different workaround.  You can keep the varargs signature if the caller forces the args to be an ArrayList with brackets.  So, in your example, caller can do this:  


testUtils("${s}", ["${t1}", "${t2}"]) 

 Both of the workarounds have undesired side-effects IMO. Hope it get fixed properly.   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-56758) Varargs not supported in shared pipeline method signatures

2019-03-26 Thread robin.sm...@forgerock.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Robin Smith created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-56758  
  Varargs not supported in shared pipeline method signatures   


Issue Type: 
 Andrew Bayer  
 pipeline, script-security-plugin, workflow-cps-plugin  
 2019-03-26 12:31  
 Jenkins:2.150.3  workflow-cps:2.65  script-security:1.56  
 Robin Smith  


 When calling a variadic shared pipeline method, the method signature is not recognised when GStrings are used - it seems they are not being coerced to Strings correctly. I have some simple shared libraries to demonstrate the issue: 


// vars/testUtils.groovy
void call(String source, String... targets) {
echo "testUtils ${source} ${targets.join(' ')}"



// vars/testUtilsListMethods.groovy
void call(String source, Collection targets) {
echo "testUtilsListMethods ${source} ${targets.join(' ')}"

 And a pipeline script: 


// load library with @Library(...) _
def s  = 'source'
def t1 = 'target1'
def t2 = 'target2'